History 1

History 1

Grade 1 History -

What was Childhood like for our Grandparents?

Who Were The Greatest Explorers?

How Did The First Flight Change The World?

The History and Importance of Ships

The Importance Of The Locomotive

History 2

History 2

Grade 2 History -

Bonfire Night And The Great Fire Of London

History of the Telephone


Joan Grant's Letter

The Space Race




Learning From Leaders

Local Hero's

Local History

History 3

History 3

Grade 3 History -

Local History - Plan A Campaign To Save A Building

Local History - What Makes A Building / Site Special?

The Stone Age - Features


Neolithic Times

Progress Throughout The Stone Age

Bronze Age vs Iron Age

Happenings Of The Iron Age

Heritage Exhibition

Home Life In The Iron Age and Bronze Age

How Does The Amesbury Archer Contribute To Our Knowledge About The Bronze Age

Plan A Campaign To Save A Building

Should All Listed Buildings Be Preserved?

The Influence Of Bronze

Was This Period Safe Or Dangerous For People?

What Makes A Building / Site Special?

Ancient Egypt

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Lighthouse of Alexandria

History 4

History 4

Grade 4 History -

How Do We Find Out About The History Of A Local Area?

How Do We Find Out About The Present In A Local Area?

Mahatma Gandhi

Nelson Mandela, A Good Leader

Qualities Of A Good Leader

Roman Leaders

The Ancient Egyptians  - How Much Did They Achieve

Environmental Damage


Transport In The Air

Transport on land

Transport On Land - Animals

Transport On Land - The Bicycle

Transport On Land - The Motor Car

Transport On Land - The Steam Engine And The Train

Transport On Land - The Wheel And Cart

Transport On Land - Wagons And Coaches

Transport On Water

The Camera

The Personal Computer, The Internet And Cell Phone

The Postal System

The Radio

The San And The Oldest Forms Of Human Communication

The Telegraph

The Telephone

The Television

The Typewriter

History 5

History 5

Grade 5 History -

An Ancient African Society


The Nile River 

The spread of Egypt's advance knowledge


Way of life 

Archaeological Remains 

Dark Age 

Finding Evidence 

Settled in England 

Staffordshire Hoard 

Sutton Hoo Ship Burial 

What Makes People Go On A Journey?

How Did We Find Out About Hunter Gatherers?

Medicine From Plants

San Hunter-gatherers Society In The Later Stone Age

San Rock Art

The Khoikhoi Herder Society In The Later Stone Age

Homesteads And Villages

Social, Political And Economic Structures

When, Why And Where The First African Farmers Settled In Southern Africa

Cradle Of Humankind- Gauteng

Frances Baard - Northern Cape

Gariep Dam - Free State

Golden Objects At Mapungubwe - Limpopo

Makhonjwa Mountains - Mpumalanga

San Rock Art In The Drakensberg - Kwazulu - Natal

Stone-walled Town Of Kaditshwene - North West

The Castle - Western Cape

The Healing Properties Of The Aloe - Eastern Cape

The Names Of Provinces And Their Capital Cities On A Map

What Is Heritage?

Early Journeys

Chinese writing and the Qin 


The Far East 

Roman Builders

Roman Gladiators 

Roman Gods 

Romulus and Remus 

The power of Rome 

The beginning of Christianity 

The end of the Ancient Jewish Nation

History 6

History 6

Grade 6 History -

The Anglo-Saxons Settled in England 

Changes in societies in the Limpopo valley 900AD and 1300AD

European explorer in Asia at the same time as Mapungubwe was at its height

European explorer Marco Polo and his travels

Great Zimbabwe


People who live long ago

The Ancient Maya Civilization

Trade across Africa and across the Indian Ocean and beyond. Globalisation.

World heritage site and the Order of Mapungubwe

History of South Africa

South African history

The contributions of Leonardo da Vince and Galileo Galilei

The Dutch East India Company

The European exploration

Trade and making a profit

Vasco da Gama

Children's rights and responsibilities



National symbols

National symbols - Coat of Arms

National symbols - Our flag

National symbols - Our National Anthem

Chris Barnard and the world's first heart transplant operation

Link between holistic and Western forms of healing today

Link between holistic and Western forms of healing today.

Medicine through time

Medicine through time - holistic healing

Medicine through time - sangomas

The fight against infectious diseases

The first antibiotic and Alexander Fleming

The first heart transplant - discoveries which made it possible

Vaccination against smallpox and Edward Jenner

Western scientific medical discoveries

What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?

Did WW1 or WW2 have a bigger impact on our locaility?

The kingdom of Mali

Timbuktu as a center of learning.

Timbuktu as a center of trade.

Trade across the Sahara Desert.

Impact of Transatlantic Slave Trade

Slavery in the South American

The nature of slavery in West Africa before Europeans.

High-Tech Industry

Dutch Settlement

Indigenous Inhabitants

Romulus and Remus 

History 7

History 7

Grade 7 History -

Geography of Mesopotamia

Mesopotamian Innovations and Contributions

Mesopotamian Society

Dutch and French Huguenot immigration to the Cape

Dutch Settlement

Indigenous inhabitants of the Cape in the 17th century

The Transatlantic Slave Trade

Trans-Saharan Slave Trade

Geography of Latin America

Government and Economy of Latin America

Human-Environment Interaction in Latin Africa 

Modern Issue Analysis: Land Use in the Amazon Rain Forest

People and Culture of Latin America

Agriculture and Settlement - Early Agricultural Civilisations

Agriculture and Settlement - Neolithic Revolution

Human Origins - Early Humans

Human Origins - Rise of Humans

Egyptian Innovations and Contributions

Egyptian Society

Geography of Egypt

Geography of India

India's Religions: Origins and Characteristics

India's Rulers and Society

Ancient Chinese Economy

China's Belief Systems

Geography of China

Life in the Chinese Dynasties

Culture and Beliefs of the Ancient Hebrews

Life in Ancient Israel and the Diaspora

History 8

History 8

Grade 8 History -

China's Reunification and Development

The Ming Dynasty

The Mongols

World War 1

Geography of Ancient Greece

Greek Cultural Achievements

Greek Political Systems

A Weakening Empire

Geography and Economy of Ancient Rome

Roman Culture: Life and Legacy

Roman Origins and Early Political Structures

Christianity's Spread

Christianity: Origins and Characteristics

Islamic Expansion

Life in the Islamic Empires

Roots of Islam

Japan's Geography and Political Development

Japanese Society

Korea's Geography and Society

Geography of Africa

Growth of African Empires

Religion and Culture in Africa

Early North American Cultures and the Maya

The Aztec Empire

The Inca Empire

The Enlightenment

Black Death

The Reformation

Islamic Expansion

Life in the Islamic Empires

Roots of Islam

China's Reunification and Development

The Ming Dynasty

The Mongols

Cultures Collide in the America's

Motives for Exploration

Origins of Renaissance

Renaissance Cultural Contributions

Case Study: The Ashanti Kingdom

Causes of Colonisation

European Colonisation of Africa in the late 19th Century

Results of Colonisation

History 9

History 9

Grade 9 History -

Conquests and Colonies

Interwar Years

Nationalism and Reform

The Great Depression and Rise of Dictators

World War 1 and Russian Revolution

World War 2

Independence in Latin America

Responses to Industrialization

Revolutions in America and France

The Industrial Revolution

Postwar Tension and struggles during the Cold War

New International Relations

Postwar Tension and struggles during the Cold War

1948 The National Party and Apartheid

1950s: Repression and Non-Violent Resistance to Apartheid

Definition of Racism

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights after World War II