Business Studies 7

Business Studies 7

Grade 7 Business Studies -

Community savings schemes

Financial institutions and organisations promoting entrepreneurship

Financial organisations

History of banks

Opening a savings account

Personal savings

Purpose of savings

Services offered by banks

The role of banks

Contribution of technology to improve productivity and economic growth

Definition of production

Effects of productivity on economic growth

Factors of production

Inputs and outputs

Meaning of economic growth

Mjeaning of productivity

Sustainable use of resources

Technology in the production process

Causes of socio-economic imbalances

Creating sustainable job opportunities

Education and skills to fight inequality and injustice

Inequality in South Africa

Rural challenges

Urban challenges

Hosting Entrepreneur's Day

Income and expenditure statement

Planning Entrepreneur's Day

Presenting your product

Achieving goals

Budget for Entrepreneurs day

Needs and wants of consumers

Setting goals

Simple cost calculation

SWOT analysis

The concept of advertising

Use of recycled material

What is involved in starting a business

Definition of an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial actions of buying, selling, producing and making a profit

Skills of an entrepreneur

Definition of a budget

Income and expenses in detail

Personal and business budget

Business income and expenses

Personal income and expenses

Personal statement of net worth

Savings and investments

Banking, financial records and transactions

Budgets and savings

Capital, Assets, Liabilities

Income, expenses, profits losses

Advantages and disadvantages of different businesses

Effects of natural disasters and health epidemics on businesses

Formal and informal businesses

Role of businesses as producers and consumers

Goods and services

How to recycle and reuse goods to satisfy needs and wants

Producers and consumers

Basic needs of individuals, families, communities and countries

Primary and secondary needs

Unlimited wants and limited resources to satisfy needs and wants 

Different types of money

Learn about history of money

Modern money

Traditional societies and bartering

Business Studies 8

Business Studies 8

Grade 8 Business Studies -

Assets and banking


Cash receipts and cash payments

Debit and credit

Income and expenses


Owner's equity

Profit and losses

Sole trader

Subsidiary journals



Businesses and their role in sustainable use of natural resources

Businesses and their roles in sustainable job creation


Closed corporations



Private and public companies

Sole traders

Different levels of government

Meaning of government

Roles of different levels of government iro businesses

Roles of different levels of government iro households

Direct and indirect taxes

Government expenditure on services 

How does the National Budget work?

Influence of the National Budget on growth 

Impact of development on the environment


Modern societies

Rural societies

Self-sufficient societies


Use of resources to promote a healthy environment

Bank statements

Cash invoices

Cheques and cheque counterfoils

Deposit and cash register slips


General Ledger

Introduction of Cash journals for service business

Source documents and subsidiary journals

The accounting cycle and transactions

Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet

Cash transactions in CRJ

Close off CRJ

Closing off CRJ

Concept of CRJ (service business)

Effects on accounting equation

Entering cash transactions in the Cash Receipts Journal

Format and uses of columns in CRJ

Source documents to complete CRJ

Capital - borrowed and owned



Natural resources

Remuneration for factors of production

Role of workers

Different types of markets

Factor markets

Closing off of CPJ

Combined transactions in the CRJ and CPJ

Concept of a CPJ of a service business

Effect of cash transactions on the accounting equation

Entering of cash transactions in the CPJ

Formats and uses of the columns in the CPJ

Source documents used to complete a CPJ

Characteristics of good management

Different levels of management

Different styles of management

Management tasks

Balancing of accounts

Double entry principle

Prepare a Trial Balance

Business Studies 9

Business Studies 9

Grade 9 Business Studies -

Calculating selling price and cost price

Calculating selling price and cost price using a mark-up%

Cash transactions of a trading business

CRJ and CPJ of a trading business

Effects of cash transactions on accounting equation

Advantages and disadvantages of economic systems


Global economy

Major economic systems

Origins of economic systems

Double entry principle

Posting from CRJ and CPJ to General Ledger

Posting to General Ledger

Preparing a Trial balance of a Trading business

Sections and format of General Ledger


Flow of goods and services, money and fop



Illustrate the circular flow

Participants in the circular flow of a closed economy

Accounting cycle

Credit sales


Debtors allowance

Effect of credit transactions on the accounting equation 

National Credit act

Postings to the Debtors Ledger and General Ledger

Record payments by debtors in CRJ

Recording transactions in Debtors Journal (DJ)

Changes in quantity demanded

Changes in quantity supplied

Concepts of supply and demand

Equilibrium price and quantity

Graphical illustration of change in demand and supply

Increase in supply and demand

Law of demand and graphic illustration

Law of supply and graphical illustration

Role of the three sectors in the economy

Sustainable use of resources in the three sectors

The interrelationship of the three sectors

The primary, secondary and tertiary sectors

Types of businesses found in the three sectors

Types of skills required in each sector

Concept of trade unions

Contribution to sustainable growth and development

Effect of trade unions in business

Historical development of trade unions

Roles and responsibilities

Accounting cycle


Creditors allowance

Observe the effect of credit transactions on the accounting equation

Postings to the Creditors Ledger and General Ledger

Record payments to creditors in CPJ

Recording of transactions in the Creditors Journal (CJ)

Administration, purchasing, marketing, finance

Characteristics of these functions

Functions of businesses

General management and risk management

Public relations, Human resources, production,

Role and importance of business functions

Posting to the Debtors and Creditors Ledger

Posting to the General Ledger

Prepare the Trial balance

Recording of cash and credit transactions of sole trader

Subsidiary journals - CRJ, CPJ, CJ, CAJ, DJ, DAJ

Components of a business plan

Concept of business plan

Financial plan

Format of business plan

International GCSE Business Studies

International GCSE Business Studies

International GCSE Business Studies -

Sub Category

How businesses increase added value

Importance of specialisation

Needs and wants

Purpose of business activity

Scarcity and opportunity cost

The purpose and nature of business activity

Changing importance of business classification

How businesses are classified

Private and public sector decisions

Business plan

Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Measuring business size

Why some businesses fail

Why some businesses grow and others remain small

Franchises and joint ventures

Private and public limited companies

Public sector organisations

Sole traders and partnerships

Unincorporated and incorporated businesses

Business objectives and how their importance can change

Objectives of private sector and public sector enterprises

The role of stakeholder groups

Importance of a well-motivated workforce

Methods of motivation

Motivational theories 

Leadership styles

Simple organisation charts

The role of management

Trade unions

Benefits and limitation of part-time and full-time employees

External recruitment

Importance of training

Internal recruitment

Legal controls over employment

Main stages in recruitment and selection of employees

Methods of training

Reasons for reducing the size of the workforce

Recruitment and selecting employees

Choosing the method of communication

Communication barriers

Effective communication

How communication barriers can be reduced or removed

Importance to the business

Market Changes

Market segmentation

Niche marketing and mass marketing

The Role of Marketing

Presentation and use of market research results

The role of market research and methods used

Aims of promotion

Marketing budget and promotion decisions

Place - distribution channels

Technology and the marketing mix

Choosing a marketing strategy

Legal controls related to marketing

Opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets

Control measures

Difference between goods and services

How technology has changed production methods

The main methods of production

What is production?

Break-even analysis

Economies of scale

How are costs classified?

Using cost data to make simple cost-based decisions

How businesses achieve quality production

Quality assurance

Why quality is important

Choosing a location

Factors influencing location and relocation decisions

The role of legal controls

Why businesses locate their operations to another country

Costs and benefits of developing new products

Price elasticity of demand and pricing decisions

Pricing methods


Product life cycle

The role of packaging

Benefits and limitations of communication methods

Communication barriers

Effective communication and how it is achieved

Market changes

Market segmentation

Niche marketing and mass marketing

The role of marketing

Presentation and use of market research results

The methods of market research

The role of market research

Cost and benefit of developing new products 

Price elasticity

Pricing methods


The product life cycle

The role of packaging

Aims and forms of promotion

Distribution channels

Technology and marketing mix

The marketing budget and promotion decisions

Choosing a marketing strategy

Legal controls related to marketing

Opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets

Control measures

Difference between goods and services

How technology has changed production methods

The main methods of production

What is production?

Break-even analysis

Economies of scale

How are costs classified?

Using cost data to make simple cost-based decisions

How businesses achieve quality production

Quality assurance

Why quality is important

Choosing a location

Factors influencing location and relocation decisions

The role of legal controls

Why businesses locate their operations to another country

Alternative sources of capital

Choosing sources of finance

Factors influencing the choice of finance

Internal sources of finance

Main sources of finance

Short-term and long-term finance

Why businesses need finance

Financing a short-term cash shortage

Interpreting cash-flow statements

What is a cash-flow forecast?

Why cash is important to businesses

Working capital

How to interpret a statement of financial position

Main parts of a statement of financial position

Difference between profit and cash

Importance of profit

International GCSE Accounting

International GCSE Accounting

International GCSE Accounting

Accounting principles




What are liabilities?

What are the main financial statements?

What is accounting?

What is accounting equation?

How to prepare a simple statement of financial position

Preparing a classified statement of financial position

Recording transactions


What is this section about?

Buying goods for resale

Recording expenses

Selling goods

The drawings account

What about inventories?

What are expenses

How to think about these accounts and double entry

Where accounts appear in trial balance

Calculating profits and losses

How do accounting records show a business's profit/loss

What is profit

How is gross profit recorded?

Completing the capital account at the end of financial period

How are expenses recorded in the income statement

How is the profit recorded in the accounts?

What happens if a business makes a loss?

The rules for balancing and closing accounts

Multiple choice questions

Recording credit purchases in a purchases journal

What are source documents

Posting credit purchases of goods for sale

Processing credit sales

Accounting records and trade discount

Debit notes

Purchases return journal

Source documents for the purchases return

Recording returns in the financial statement


Source documents for money transactions

The cash book

Cash discount

Statement of account

What happens when a bank account becomes overdrawn?

How cash transactions are recorded


Source documents

Posting to the general ledger accounts and the purchases ledger accounts

What you should do with the balance of the petty cash

How to make journal entries


Error of commission

Error of omission

Error of principle

Errors not revealed by the Trial balance

Journalise entries for these errors

Compensation error

Error of complete reversal

Error of original entry

Journal entries

Journal entries

Suspense account and miscast

Correcting a draft statement of financial position

Correcting draft profit figures

Advantages of the reconciliation process

Comparing a cash book (bank columns) with a bank statement

Complete bank statement

How to prepare a bank statement


Preparing a bank reconciliation statement

Simple bank statements

More about preparing control accounts

Other entries in control accounts

Preparing sales and purchases ledger accounts

Adjusting expenses

Adjusting income

Irrecoverable debts and provisions for doubtful debts

Irrecoverable debts and the recovery of debts written off

Keeping a provision for doubtful debts up to date

Preparing financial statement with adjustments to expenses and income

Provisions for doubtful debts

Recording the disposal of a non-current asset

International GCSE Economics

International GCSE Economics

International GCSE Economics -

Sub Category

Nature and purpose of trade unions

Economic and free goods

The economic problem

Factors of production and their rewards

Mobility, quantity and quality of factors

Definition and examples of opportunity cost

Opportunity cost and economic decision making

Movement along and shifts in a production possibility curve

The production possibility frontier

The difference between macro and microeconomics

Market equilibrium and market disequilibrium

Resource allocation decisions

The market system

Causes of shifts in the demand curve

Price and demand

Shifts in demand with movements along demand curve

Changes in supply 

Conditions of supply

Individual and market supply curves

Price and supply

Market equilibrium

Causes and consequences of price changes

Draw demand and supply diagrams

Elasticity of demand and total spending

Price elasticity of demand

Price elasticity of supply

How system works in variety of countries

Merits and weaknesses of a market economic system

Role of private and public sectors

The market economic system

Causes of market failure

Private and social costs and benefits

The nature of market failure

Define terms such as privatisation, nationalisation and DPS

Effects of microeconomic policy measures

Government influence on micro-economy subsidies

Government influence on microeconomy indirect taxes

Government influence on microeconomy regulation

The nature of a mixed economy

Central banks

Commercial banks


Income and expenditure patterns

Influences on spending, saving and borrowing

Bargaining power of unions

Differences in earnings

Division of labour specialisation

Factors affecting occupation choice

Wage determination

Ways in which government policy affect wages

Classification of firms

Economies and diseconomies of scale

Growth of firms

Mergers and integration

Small firms

Nature and purpose of trade unions

Advantages and disadvantages of methods of growth

Demand for factors of production

Labour-intensive and capital-intensive production

Production and productivity

Fixed and variable costs

Objectives of firms

Output and costs


Total and average costs

Competitive markets

Monopoly markets

Government roles

Classification of taxes

Elements of fiscal policy

Fiscal policy and government aims

Impact of balanced, deficit and surplus budgets

Nature of budget surplus, deficit and balanced budget

Principles and impacts of taxation

Reasons for government spending and taxation

Effects of monetary policy on macroeconomic aims

How monetary policy may help government to achieve economic aims

Monetary policy measures

Economic growth and recession

Government policies for economic growth

Illustrating growth and recession

Measuring Gross Domestic Product

Causes of unemployment

Consequences of unemployment

Full employment

Patterns and levels of employment

Causes and consequences of deflation

Causes of inflation

Consequences of inflation

Policies to control inflation and deflation

The Retail Prices Index and inflation

Comparing living standards and income distribution

Indicators of living standards

Causes of poverty

Policies to alleviate poverty

Changes in population structure and their effect on an economy

Factors that affect population growth

Problems of population change

Reasons for different rates of population growth

The effect of changing population sizes on an economy

Different rates of development

Factors affecting development

Advantages and disadvantages of specialisation


Methods of protection


Reasons for protection

The benefits of free trade

Causes of foreign exchange rate fluctuations

Consequences of fluctuations

Exchange rates

Floating and fixed exchange rates

Current account deficit and surplus

Effectiveness of policies

Impacts of deficit or surplus

Policies to achieve balance of payments stability

The current account of the balance of payments

The effects of supply-side policy

Conflicts between government aims 

Macroeconomic aims