English 1
Grade 1 English - Adding Adjectives
Adding Adverbs Of Manner
Adding Adverbs Of Place And Time
Adding Prepositional Phrases
Invitations And Thank You Notes
Joining Sentences
Punctuation (, ')
Punctuation (. ? !) and Capital Letters
Sentences and Paragraphs
Word Choice
Word Order In Questions
Word Order In Sentences
Writing About A Picture
Capital Letters
Common Nouns
Countable And Uncountable Nouns
Demonstrative Determiners
Indefinite Pronouns
Interrogative Determiners
Personal Pronouns
Possessive Determiners
Possessive Pronouns
Present Continuous Tense
Proper Nouns
Simple Past Tense
Simple Present Tense
Singular And Plural Nouns
Verbs: can, may
Verbs: do, does, did
Verbs: have, has
Verbs: was , were
Verbs: Am, Is, Are
Finding Information
Finding Similarities And Differences
Identifying The Main Idea
Prediction and Familiarity
Retelling, Recount and Recite
Understanding Words
Listening Skills
Revision: Phase 2 Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
AI - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
AIR - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
AR - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
CH - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
EAR - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
EE - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
ER - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
IGH - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
J - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
NG - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OA - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OI - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OO - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OR - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OW - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
QU - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Reading and Spelling
Reading and Writing
SH - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
TH - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Tricky Words - Reading
Tricky Words - Spelling
UR - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
URE - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
V - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
W - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
X - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Y - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Z - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
ZZ - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
English 2
Grade 2 English -
Reading, Speaking And Writing Non-chronological Reports
Reading, retelling And Writing A Story In A Familiar Setting
Creative Writing
Reading And Writing Explanations And Dictionary Entries
Simple Sentences
Types Of Sentences
Reading, Learning And Reciting Poems By Significant Poets
Reading, Learning And Reciting Poems By Significant Poets And Poems With Language Play Including Humorous Poems
Reading, Retelling And Writing Stories By Significant Children’s Writers
Finding Information
Finding Similarities And Differences
Identifying The Main Idea
Traditional Tales And Stories From Other Cultures
Understanding Words
Avoiding Repetition By Using Pronouns
Diary Entries
Describing Scenes
Instructions And Order
Linking Words Indicating Time And Sequence
Linking Words: Because And Because Of
Linking Words: and, but, or, and, so
Planning, drafting And editing
Word Choice And Word Precision
Word Order In Sentences And Questions
Word Order With Two Objects, word Order With Adjectives And Adverbs
Reading and Spelling
Revision: Phase 3 Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Tricky Words
Consonant Blends
Final Consonant Blends
Initial Consonant Blends
Reading and Spelling
Reading and Writing
Tricky Words
AU - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
AW - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
AY (AI) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
A_E (AI) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
EA (EE) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
EW - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
EY - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
E_E (EE) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
IE (IGH) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
IR - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
I_E (IGH) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OE - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OU (OW) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
OY (OI) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
O_E (OA) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
PH - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Reading and Spelling
Reading and Writing
Tricky Words - Reading
Tricky Words - Spelling
UE - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
U_E (YOO) - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
WH - Introduce Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
English 3
Grade 3 English -
Reading, Analysing Then Planning And Writing Non-chronological Reports
Grammar And Punctuation
Phonics, Spelling And Vocabulary
Grammar And Punctuation
Phonics, Spelling And Vocabulary
Reading, Analysing Then Planning And Writing A Story In A Familiar Setting
Adverbs And Adverbials
Common Nouns
Comparative And Superlative Adjectives
Direct And Indirect Speech
Modal Verbs
Sentence Construction
Adverbs And Adverbials
Order Of Adjectives
Other Types Of Nouns
Personal Pronouns
Proper Nouns
Question Tags
Tenses - Simple Past And Past Continuous
Tenses - Simple Present And Present Continuous
The Future Tense
Using The Correct Verbs
Developing Vocabulary
Finding Information
Finding Similarities And Differences
Identifying Story Elements
Identifying The Main Idea
Understanding Words
Adding Emotion, Attitude And Comparisons
Adding Opinion
Adding Similar Or Contrasting Information
Avoiding Repetition And Overused Words
Brainstorming, Selecting And Organising
Describing People And Animals
Drafting And Revising
Explaining Result Or Reason
Main Idea And Supporting Sentences; Sequencing Ideas
Recounts And Narratives
Topic Sentences
Using Dialogue
Writing Strong Final Sentences
Reading, Analysing Then Planning And Writing Instruction Texts
Reading, Analysing Then Writing Poems Based On Observation And The Senses. Reading, Analysing And Writing A Playscript.
Reading, Analysing Then Planning And Writing Myths, Legends And Fables
Reading, Analysing Then Planning And Writing Letters For A Variety Of Purposes
Reading, Analysing Then Planning And Writing Adventure And Mystery Stories
Reading Humorous Poems Then Analysing, Planning And Writing One
Literature Analysis
Phase 5 Grapheme-Phoneme (letter-sound)
Spelling: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Spelling: Difference between long and short vowel sounds
Spelling: How to add suffixes
Spelling: Irregular verbs
Spelling: Plurals
Spelling: Plurals and Verb Ending
Spelling: The Past Tense
Tricky Words
English 4
Grade 4 English -
Adding Emphasis
Avoiding Overused Words And Repetition
Compare And Contrast
Describing Settings And Places
Facts And Opinions
Linking Ideas
Process Writing
Topic Sentences And Body Sentences
Transforming And Combining Sentences
Writing Expositions - Books And Film Reviews
Writing Informal Letters And Emails
Writing Narratives
Writing Recounts
Adjectives Of Comparison
Adverbs And Adverbials
Complex Sentences
Countable And Uncountable Nouns
Direct And Indirect Speech
Modal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs
Possessive Forms
Question Tags
Relative Pronouns
Sentences And Phrases
Simple And Compound Sentences
Singular And Plural Nouns
Tenses - Past Continuous
Tenses - Present Continuous
Tenses - Present Perfect
Tenses - Present Perfect Continuous
Tenses - Simple Past
Tenses - Simple Present
Types Of Nouns
Fact Or Opinion
Finding Information
Finding Similarities And Differences
Identifying The Main Idea
Understanding Words
Reading and Literature
English 5
Grade 5 English -
Active And Passive Voice
Adjectives - Position, Types And Formation
Adjectives Of Comparison
Adverbs And Adverbials
Collective And Abstract Nouns
Conditional Sentences
Direct And Indirect Objects
Direct And Indirect Speech
Emphasising And Comment Adverbs
Infinitives And Gerunds
Modal Verbs
More Connectors
Noun Phrases
Past Continuous
Phrasal Verbs
Reflexive And Interrogative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Tenses - Present Continuous
Tenses - Present Perfect
Tenses - Simple Present And Simple Past
The Future Tense
Transitive And Intransitive Verbs
Cause And Effect
Fact or Fiction
Fact Or Opinion
Point Of View And Purpose
Similarities and differences
Understanding Words
Comparing And Contrasting
Essay Stucture
Giving Arguments
Letters and Emails
Modifying language
Transformation Of Sentences
English 6
Grade 6 English -
Active And Passive Voice
Adjectival Phrases And Clauses
Adverbs And Adverbials
Adverbs Of Degree
Clauses And Complex Sentences
Conditional Sentences
Direct And Indirect Speech
Modal Verbs
Noun Phrases And Clauses
Participles And Gerunds
Phrasal Verbs
Simple and Compound Sentences
Text types
Types Of Verbs
Understanding Sentences
Cause And Effect
Fact Or Opinion
Finding Information
Finding Similarities And Differences Within Texts
Identifying The Main Idea Of A Text
Point Of View And Purpose
Sequencing Events
Understanding Words
Expositions,giving More Than One Point Of View
Instructing, Explaining And Transforming Information
Linking Ideas To Give Opinions, Reasons, Examples And Generalizations
Linking Ideas To Show Condition
Linking Ideas To Show Similarities And Differences
Modifying Statements
Ordering And Linking Paragraphs,thesis Statements
Organizing Paragraph, Content, Topic, Body And Concluding Sentences
Process Writing
Requesting and giving information
Similes, Metaphors And Alliteration
Transforming Sentences
English 7
Grade 7 English
Prepared Reading
Reading Comprehension
Unprepared Reading
Analytical And Comparative Writing
Argumentative And Persuasive Writing
Descriptive Writing
Explorative And Reflective Writing
Informative And Explanatory Writing
Narrative Writing
Skills Testing
Articles And Demonstratives
Pronouns And Determiners
Tenses And Aspects
Listening Comprehension
Prepared Debate
Prepared Oral
Unprepared Debate
Unprepared Oral
English 8
Grade 8 English -
Prepared Reading
Reading Comprehension
Unprepared Reading
Active and Passive Voice
Adverbial Phrases
Clauses and Sentences
Phrasal Verbs
Pronouns And Determiners
Tenses And Aspects
Listening Comprehension
Prepared Debate
Prepared Oral
Unprepared Debate
Unprepared Oral
Adding information using complex sentences
Developing presentation skills
Distinguishing between fact and opinion
Finding relevant information and specific detail in a text
Understanding how to reflect on historical writing
Understanding what it means to write for a purpose
Using language in order to reflect and to explore
Writing about significant events
Explaining how writers present and organise texts for effect
Explaining things clearly in speech
Identifying relevant information distinguishing between fact and opinion
Responding to informative texts
Structuring and planning a report
Using colons and semicolons to include more detail
Using connectives to explain information clearly
Vary sentence structure to make explanations clear and engaging
Writing a report on a recent invention
Compare writers' points of view
Explore how argumentative texts are organised
Learn how to identify main ideas and viewpoints
Learn how to structure an effective persuasive text
Learn how to use phrases to develop persuasive sentences
Prepare a formal debate
Understand and be able to identify characteristics of argumentative and persuasive writing
Write a persuasive email
Analysing how description shapes character
Exploring different responses to description
Matching descriptive language to speech context
Planning descriptive writing
Tracing character development using inference
Using different levels of formality and register
Using the length and style of a sentence for effect
Varying vocabulary in order to keep the reader interested
Writing a character description
Creating characters using voice and vocabulary
Exploring different responses to narrative writing
Investigating character with hot-seating
Matching narrative form to purpose
Structuring a diary narrative
Understanding and identifying characteristics of narrative writing and structure
Understanding how language creates suspense
Using openings that engage the reader
Using punctuation to develop detailed characters
Writing a story with a message
Analysing how themes are conveyed in a play
Analysing preferences and opinions
Analysing two poems on the same theme
Developing and evaluate drama and discussion skills
Tracing a writer's views and ideas across a prose text
Tracing feelings and perspectives in poetry
Using connectives to compare similarities and differences in a text
English 9
Grade 9 English -
Prepared Reading
Reading Comprehension
Unprepared Reading
Analysis of Sentences
Different Text Types
Notes and Summaries
Paragraphs And Texts
Subject- Verb Agreement
Types of Sentences
Listening Comprehension
Prepared Debate
Prepared Oral
Unprepared Debate
Unprepared Oral
Boost your vocabulary
Comparing tone and register in travel texts
Creating a travel account
Selecting and noting key information in travel texts
Understanding grammatical choices in travel writing
Varying sentences for effect
What is Travel Writing?
Comparing information texts
Crafting sentences for a range of effects
Making explanations precise and concise
Matching informative texts to audience and purpose
Planning information texts to suit different audiences
Shaping paragraphs to suit audience and purpose
Using discussion to prepare for a written assignment
Using formal and informal language in information texts
Writing encyclopedia entries
Adapting grammar choices to create effects in argument writing
Commenting on use of language to persuade
Exploring layers of persuasive language
Organising a whole argument effectively
Organising an argument within each paragraph
Presenting and responding to a question
Producing an argumentative essay
Reviewing persuasive techniques
Analysing how atmospheres are created
Creating atmosphere through punctuation
Developing analysis of a description
Producing a powerful descriptive Essay
Sustaining a cohesive atmosphere
Using images to inspire description
Using language to develop an atmosphere
Using structural devices to build up atmosphere
Create a powerful thriller writing essay
Creating narrative suspense and climax
Explore different settings and atmospheres
Learn how to create character
Learn how to introduce characters in stories effectively
Learn how to pitch a story
Learn how to use pronouns and sentence order for effect
Learn how to use tenses in narrative
Understand how story openings function
Analysing how a play's key elements create different effects
Analysing implicit meaning in non-fiction texts
Analysing two texts
Comparing effectively through punctuation and grammar
Using discussion skills to analyse carefully
International GCSE English
International GCSE English -
Content And Form
Emotive Language
Explicit Meaning
Facts, Opinions, And Bias
Implicit And Explicit Meaning
Implicit Meaning: Character
Implicit Meaning: Setting
Key Information
Prepared Reading
Reading Comprehension
Sensory Language
Synthesis Of Information
Text Types
Unprepared Reading
Structure: Argumentative Writing
Structure: Descriptive Writing
Structure: Discussions
Structure: Explanatory Writing
Structure: Exploratory Writing
Structure: Informative Writing
Structure: Narrative Writing
Structure: Persuasive Writing
Text Types: Argumentative Texts
Text Types: Descriptive Texts
Text Types: Diary And Journal
Text Types: Diary Entry
Text Types: Discussions
Text Types: Explanatory Texts
Text Types: Exploratory Texts
Text Types: Informative Texts
Text Types: Interview
Text Types: Journal Entry
Text Types: Letter
Text Types: Magazine Article
Text Types: Narrative Texts
Text Types: News Report
Text Types: Persuasive Texts
Text Types: Postcard
Text Types: Report
Text Types: Speech
Text Types: Talk
Verb Agreement
Voice And Role
Word Classes
Listening Comprehension
Prepared Debate
Prepared Oral
Unprepared Debate
Unprepared Oral
Exam Preparation
Explicit Meaning
Facts And Opinions
Implicit Attitudes
Implicit Meaning
Inferred Meaning
Literal Meaning
Sentences And Phrases
Text Types: Notes
Text Types: Summaries
Characters And Roles
Exam Preparation
Explicit Meaning
Implicit Attitudes
Implicit Meaning
Sentences And Structure
Emotive Language
Exam Preparation
Explicit Meaning
Implicit Attitudes
Implicit Meaning
Sensory Language
Word Choice
Words And Degree
Afrikaans 1
Graad 1 Afrikaans
Aksieliedjies En Rympies
Begrippe, Woordeskat en Taalstrukture
Eenvoudige Groetvorme
Eenvoudige Liedjies
Eenvoudige Mondeling Beskrywing
Eenvoudige Mondelinge Instruksies
Eenvoudige Taalstruktuur
Eenvoudige Taalstruktuur in Konteks
Eenvoudige Versoeke
Eenvoudige Vrae
Enkele Voorwerpe
Ja / Nee Vrae
Kort Fiksie en Niefiksie- Tekste
Mondelinge Instruksies
Mondelinge Woordeskat
Voorwerpe In Die Klaskamer
Algemene Woorde
Deelnemende Lees
Ontluikende Lees
Woorde In Sinne
Afrikaans 2
Graad 2 Afrikaans -
'n Ongeluk Gebeur Gou
'n Sprokie oor drie huisies
Die Weer Verander
Diere Op Die Plaas
Ek En My Familie
Fietse, Karre
Hoe Lyk Jy?
In die huis is baie kamers
Koop! Koop! Koop!
Ons Geld
Ons hou van sport
Pas Die Dinge In Die Klaskamer By Die Woorde
Spesiale Dae
Wat doen maats?
Wilde Diere
Word Fiks
Afrikaans 3
Graad 3 Afrikaans -
'n Kort Gesprek
'n Kort Gesprek Oor 'n Bekende Onderwerp
Eenvoudige Gediggies
Eenvoudige Instruksies
Eenvoudige Mondelinge Beskrywing
Eenvoudige Verslag
Eenvoudige Vrae
Gebruik Taalstrukture In Konteks
Gediggies, Aksierympies En Liedjies
Gee Eenvoudige Instruksies
Gee En Volg Instruksies
Help Die Leerders Om 'n Verslag Te Gee
Identifiseer 'n Voorwerp
Identifiseer 'n Voorwerp Deur Eenvoudige Mondelinge Beskrywing
Leer Om Verslag Te Gee
Luister Na 'n Eenvoudige Verslag
Memoriseer Gediggies, Aksierympies En Liedjies Oor
Mondelinge Woordeskat
Neem Deel Aan 'n Kort Gesprek
Onderwyser Help Om Verslag Te Gee
Ontwikkel 'n Mondelinge Woordeskat
Ontwikkel Woordeskat
Praat Oor 'n Voorwerp
Praat Oor 'n Voorwerp Op Prente Of In Foto's
Reageer Op Instruksies
Speel Taalspeletjies
Stel Versoeke Aan
Stel Versoeke En Reageer Daarop
Stel Vrae
Stel Vrae Om Duidelikheid Te Kry
Taalstrukture In Konteks
Verstaan En Gebruik Taalstrukture In Konteks
Verstaan En Reageer Op Eenvoudige Vrae
Verstaan En Reageer Op Vrae
Volg Instruksies
Beantwoord Begripsvrae
Druk Gevoelens Oor Die Storie Uit
Gevoelens Oor Die Storie
Help Leerders Met 'n Opsomming Van 'n Niefiksie Teks
Kort Stories, Persoonlike Verslae En Niefiksie-boeke
Kort Stories, Persoonlike Verslae Of Niefiksie-tekste
Luister Na 'n Niefiksie-teks
Luister Na Niefiksie As Prosedureteks
Maak Opsomming Van 'n Niefiksie-teks
Niefiksie-teks Opsomming
Om 'n Opsomming Van 'n Niefiksie-teks Te Maak
Persoonlike Verslae En Stories
Stories, Persoonlike Verslae En Begripsvrae
Vertel Die Storie Oor
Voorspel Wat Gaan Gebeur
Voorspel Wat Gebeur
Voorspel Wat Volgende In Die Storie Gaan Gebeur
Die Gebruik Van Eenvoudige Taalstrukture In Die Konteks Van Gesproke Taal
Die Gebruik Van Eenvoudige Taalstrukture In Konteks Van Gesproke Taal
Gebruik Van Eenvoudige Taalstrukture In Konteks
Gesproke Taal
Kontekstuele Woordeskat
Kontekstuele Woordeskat Word Uitgebrei
Mondelinge En Kontekstuele Woordeskat
Woordeskat En Kontekstuele Woordeskat
Bou En Klank Drie- Tot Vierletterwoorde
Bou En Klank Woorde
Bou En Klank Woorde Met Klanke Wat Reeds Aangeleer Is
Bou En Klank Woorde Wat Reeds Aangeleer Is
Herken Die Beginklanke In Moeiliker Woordpatrone
Herken Drie Nuwe Tweevokaalkombinasies
Herken Driekonsonantkombinasies Aan Die Begin Van 'n Woord
Herken Dubbelkonsonantkombinasies
Herken Moeiliker Woordpatrone
Herken Rymklanke
Herken Tweekonsonantkombinasies
Herken Vyf Dubbelvokaalkombinasies
Herken Vyf Vokaalkombinasies
Identifiseer Die Letter-klank-verhouding
Onderskei Tussen Verskillende Mondelinge Vokaalklanke.
Beantwoord Vrae
Beantwoord Vrae Oor Die Storie
Beskryf Hoe Die Storie Gevoelens Ontlok
Beskryf Hoe Die Storie Jou Laat Voel
Deel Van Lees- En Luisteraktiwiteite
Die Leerders Beskryf Hoe Die Storie Hulle Laat Voel
Om Van Die Titel Gebruik Te Maak Om Die Storie Te Voorspel
Lees Die Storie Saam Met Die Groep
Leestegnieke Wat In Die Huistaal Aangeleer Is
Luidlees Met Toenemende Vlotheid En Uitdrukking
Om Sigwoordeskat Te Bou
Toon Begrip Vir Leestekens
Bekende Gedigte En Rympies
Gebruik Van Tweetalige Kinderprentwoordeboeke
Lees Bekende Gedigte En Rympies
Lees Boeke Met Eenvoudige Onderskrifte
Lees Boeke Met Onderskrifte
Lees Eie En Ander Se Skryfwerk
Lees Eie Skryfwerk
Lees Gedigte En Rympies
Maak Gebruik Van Tweetalige Kinderprentwoordeboeke Om Betekenisse Van Onbekende Woorde Na Te Slaan
Maak Van Een- En Tweetalige Kinderprentwoordeboeke Gebruik
Om Die Betekenis Van Onbekende Woorde Na Te Slaan
Bou Eie Woordbank
Bou Eie Woordbank En Persoonlike Woordeboek Op
Bou Eie Woordbank En Persoonlike Woordeboek Op.
Gebruik Die Leestekens Wat In Die Huistaal Aangeleer Is.
Gebruik Die Skryfproses
Gebruik Die Verlede Tyd Vlot En Akkuraat
Gebruik Een- En Tweetalige Kinderwoordeboeke
Gebruik Handskrifvaardighede Wat Reeds In Die Huistaal Aangeleer Is
Gebruik Kinderwoordeboeke
Gebruik Leestekens
Gebruik Leestekens Wat Reeds In Die Huistaal Aangeleer Is
Gebruik Van Handskrifvaardighede
Lyste Met Opskrifte
Maak Gebruik Van Handskrifvaardighede
Maak Gebruik Van Handskrifvaardighede Wat Reeds In Die Huistaal Aangeleer Is
Maak Langer En Moeiliker Lyste Met Opskrifte
Maak Lyste Met Opskrifte
Organiseer Inligting Op 'n Kaart, Tabel Of Staafgrafiek
Skryf 'n Eenvoudige Stel Instruksies
Skryf 'n Paragraaf Oor 'n Bekende Onderwerp
Skryf 'n Persoonlike Verslag Van Jou Ervaring
Skryf 'n Storie
Skryf 'n Verslag
Skryf Eenvoudige Tekste
Skryf Moeiliker Lyste
Spel Algemene Woorde Korrek
Besitlike Voornaamwoorde
Hersien Taalgebruike
Hersien Taalgebruike Wat Informeel In Graad 1 Tot 2 Gebruik Is
Selfstandige Naamwoorde
Taalgebruike Wat Informeel Gebruik Is
Teenwoordige Tyd
Telbare En Ontelbare Selfstandige Naamwoorde
Verstaan En Gebruik Die Toekomende Tyd
Verstaan En Gebruik Lidwoorde Saam Met Selfstandige Naamwoorde
Verstaan En Gebruik Van Verlede Tyd
Verstaan En Gebruik Vergelykende Adjektiewe
Lees Hardop Uit Eie Boek
Lees Hardop Uit Eie Boek In 'n Geleide Groep
Lees Met Toenemende Vlotheid En Uitdrukking
Lees Met Vlotheid En Uitdrukking
Lees Saam Met Die Onderwyser Stories
Maak Van Dieselfde Leestegnieke Gebruik Wat In Die Huistaal Aangeleer Is
Om 'n Sigwoordeskat Op Te Bou
Toon Begrip Vir Leestekens
Toon Begrip Vir Leestekens Tydens Luidlees
Afrikaans 4
Graad 4 Afrikaans -
Beskryf 'n Persoon, Dier Of Karakter Uit Die Storie Of Plek Waar Die Storie Afspeel.
Beskryf Die Mense/karakters Uit Die Storie
Gee 'n Feitelike Vertelling Van 'n Nuusgebeurtenis Wat Op Persoonlike Ervaring Gebaseer Is.
Gee 'n Persoonlike Hervertelling
Gee Eenvoudige Instruksies
Gee Instruksies (ten Minste 2 Stappe)
Kies Uit Kontemporêre Realistiese Fiksie / Tradisionele Stories / Persoonlike Hervertellings / Avontuurverhale / Ware Lewensverhale.
Klassifiseer Dinge
Luister Na 'n Beskrywing En Beskryf 'n Voorwerp / 'n Gebeurtenis
Luister Na 'n Beskrywing Van Plekke / Plante / Diere / Voorwerpe
Luister Na 'n Gedig
Luister Na En Gee Mondelings Boodskap/pe
Luister Na En Reageer Op Eenvoudige, Mondelinge Aanwysings
Luisterbegrip: Luister Aandagtig Na Stories
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Inligtings Teks, Soos 'n Feitelike Hervertelling / Beskrywing
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Inligtingsteks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Feitelike Hervertelling / Versleg / Nuusberig
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Kort Praatjie Of Aankondiging, Byvoorbeeld Oor Die Radio Of Tv Of Lees Die Teks Uit Die Handboek.
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Liedjie Of Eenvoudige Gedig
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Onderhoud / 'n Geselsprogram
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Storie
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na 'n Toneelstuk Wat Hardop Gelees Word Of Oor Die Radio / Tv
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na En Voer Instruksies Uit, Byvoorbeeld Resep / Instruksies Vir Vervaardiging Of Hoe Om Iets Te Doen / Te Maak.
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na Inligtingstekste, Byvoorbeeld 'n Feitelike Vertelling Of Eenvoudige Nuusberig
Neem Aan 'n Gesprek Met 'n Bekende Onderwerp Deel.
Neem Aan 'n Kort Gesprek Oor 'n Bekende Onderwerp Deel.
Oefen Luister En Praat
Oefen Luister En Praat ( Kies 'n Teks Vir Daaglikse Gebruik)
Oefen Luister En Praat / Hardoplees (gedeelte Teks Vir Die Dag)
Oefen Luister En Praat / Hardoplees (gedeelte Teks)
Oefen Luister En Praat / Hardoplees (kies 'n Teks Vir Daaglikse Gebruik)
Oefen Luister En Praat/hardoplees
Speel 'n Meer Gevorderde Taalspeletjie / Rolspel
Speel 'n Meer Komplekse Taal Speletjie
Besin Oor Tekste Wat Gelees Is
Besin Oor Tekste Wat Selfstandig Gelees Is
Besin Oor Tekste Wat Selfstandig Gelees Is / Lees In Pare
Bespreek Tekste Wat Selfstandig Gelees Is.
Lees 'n Dagboek / Dagboekinskrywings / Gedig
Lees 'n Dagboek Of Dagboekinskrywing
Lees 'n Inligtingsteks Met Visuele Komponente, Byvoorbeeld 'n Plakkaat / Pamflet
Lees 'n Visuele Teks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Plakkaat / Advertensie / Kennisgewing / Pamflet
Lees 'n Visuele Teks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Plakkaat Wat 'n Gebeurtenis Adverteer
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Eenvoudige Gedig
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Inligtingsteks
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Inligtingsteks Met Visuele Komponente, Byvoorbeeld 'n Diagram / Tabel / Geheuekaart / Kaart / Prent
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Inligtingsteks Met Visuele Komponente, Byvoorbeeld 'n Diagram / Tabel / Kopkaart / Kaart / Prent / Illustrasie
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Inligtingsteks Soos 'n Feitelike Vertelling Of 'n Nuusberig
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Inligtingsteks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Feitelike Hervertelling / Verslag / Nuusberig
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Prosedure-teks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Resep / Instruksies
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Storie
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Storie Met Dialoog
Leesbegrip: Lees 'n Toneelstuk
Leesbegrip: Lees Inligtingstekste Met Visuele Komponente, Byvoorbeeld 'n Diagram / Tabel / Kopkaart / Kaart / Prente
Leesbegrip: Lees Instruksietekste, Byvoorbeeld Resep / Instruksies Vir Die Vervaardiging Of Hoe Om Iets Te Doen / Te Maak.
Leesbegripsaktiwiteit Oor Die Teks (modeling Of Skriftelik)
Leesbegripsaktiwiteit Oor Die Teks (mondelings Of Skriftelik) Lees Proseduretekste, Byvoorbeeld Eenvoudige Instruksies.
Los 'n Woordraaisel Op
Byskrifte By 'n Eenvoudige Kaart
Etikette En/of Visuele Tekste, Byvoorbeeld 'n Diagram / Tabel / Kopkaart / Kaart / Prente
Gebruik Inligting Uit 'n Visuele Teks Om 'n Beskrywende Paragraaf Te Skryf
Gee 'n Beskrywing (paragraaf) Van 'n Persoon / Dier / Plek
Oefen Skriftelik
Ontwerp En Skep 'n Plakkaat / Advertensie / Kennisgewing / Pamflet
Ontwerp En Skep 'n Plakkaat, Kennisgewing Of Pamflet
Ontwerp En Skep 'n Visuele Teks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Plakkaat Of 'n Kennisgewing
Opsomming Van 'n Inligtings Teks
Skryf 'n Beskrywing (paragraaf) Van Mense Of Karakters Uit Die Storie Met Behulp Van 'n Skryfraam
Skryf 'n Boodskap
Skryf 'n Dialoog
Skryf 'n Eenvoudige Boekresensie, Gebruik 'n Raam
Skryf 'n Eenvoudige Gedig Aan Die Hand Van 'n Skryfraam
Skryf 'n Feitelike Verhaal Of Skryf 'n Nuusgebeurtenis Wat Op Persoonlike Gebeurtenis Gebaseer Is.
Skryf 'n Lys
Skryf 'n Paragraaf Aan Die Hand Van 'n Skryfraam
Skryf 'n Persoonlike Hervertelling Aan Die Hand Van 'n Skryfraam (byvoorbeeld Gister... Daarna...)
Skryf 'n Persoonlike, Eenvoudige Vertelling Met Behulp Van 'n Raam, Byvoorbeeld Gister... /toe...
Skryf 'n Prosedureteks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Resep / Instruksies
Skryf 'n Storie Deur Die Gebruik Van 'n Raam
Skryf 'n Storie Met Dialoog
Skryf 'n Storie Volgens 'n Raam
Skryf Eenvoudige Instruksies Met Behulp Van 'n Skryfraam
Skryf En Ontwerp 'n Visuele Teks Byvoorbeeld 'n Plakkaat / Pamflet / Kennisgewing
Skryf Oor 'n Storie
Skryf Oor Die Storie
Skryf Sinne Wat Rym
Skryf Sosiale Tekste, Byvoorbeeld 'n Boodskap
Som 'n Inligtingsteks Op
Voltooi 'n Visuele Teks, Byvoorbeeld 'n Grafek / Tabel / Kopkaart / Kaart / Prente
Spelling En Punktuasie
Werk Met Sinne
Werk Met Woorde
Afrikaans 5
Graad 5 Afrikaans -
Beskryf N Eenvoudige Proses
Dra N Gedig Voor
Hervertel N Storie
Hervertel N Storie (2)
Hervertel N Verhaal
Lewer N Feitelike Verslag
Luister Na En Lewer Persoonlike Verslae
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na En Reageer Op Mondelinge Instruksies
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na En Voer Instruksies Uit, Byvoorbeel Om Iets Te Maak Of Te Doen.
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Gedig Of N Lied.
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Inligtingsteks.
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Mondelinge Beskrywing Van Plekke/ Mense
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Storie
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Storie (4)
Luisterbegrip: Lusiter Na N Storie (5)
Luisterbegrip: Luster Na N Storie (2)
Luisterbegrip: Luster Na N Storie (3)
Neem Aan N Bespreking Deel (2)
Neem Aan N Geprek Deel (3)
Neem Deel Aan N Gesprek
Oefen Luister En Praat/ Hardoplees
Praat Voorbereid
Rolspeel N Bekende Situasie
Speel N Taalspeletjie
Toneelstuk/ Rolspel
Vertel N Storie
Lees En Los N Woordraaisel Op
Lees En Verstaan N Plakkaat
Lees Inligtingstekste Oor Ander Vakke
Lees N Dagboek/ Dagboekinskrywing
Lees N Eenvoudige Boek/ Storie/ Resensie
Lees N Gedig / Gedigte (2)
Lees N Gedig/ Gedigte (3)
Lees N Inligtingsteks (bv. Kort Verslag)
Lees N Kort Paragraaf
Lees N Mediateks (bv. Tydskrifartikel Of Nuusberig)
Lees Selfstandig
Leesbegrip: Lees N Gedig Of Gedigte
Leesbegrip: Lees N Inligtingsteks (bv. Wetenskap-eksperimente)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Inligtingsteks Met Visuele Materiaal (2)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Inligtingsteks Met Visuele Materiaal.
Leesbegrip: Lees N Instruksionele (prosedure-) Teks
Leesbegrip: Lees N Instruksionele Teks (bv. Resepte)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Kort Storie
Leesbegrip: Lees N Storie (2)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Storie (3)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Storie (4)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Storie Met Dialoog
Leesbegrip: Lees N Toneelstuk
Leesbegripsaktiwiteit Oor Die Teks
Leesbegrp: Lees N Storie
Gebruik Stappe Vir Prosesskryf
Geen N Kort Beskrywing Van N Voorwerp
Maak N Opsomming Van N Kort Teks
Merk/ Voltooi Eenvoudige Visuele Teks
Ontwerp N Plakkaat
Ontwerp N Plakkaat (2)
Skryf 'n Paragraaf
Skryf Instruksies
Skryf N Eenvoudige Boekresensie
Skryf N Eenvoudige Gedig
Skryf N Eenvoudige Storie
Skryf N Eenvoudige Storie (2)
Skryf N Eenvoudige Verhaal
Skryf N Feitelike Hervertelling
Skryf N Inligtingsteks
Skryf N Inligtingsteks (2)
Skryf N Kort Boodskap
Skryf N Kort Diallog
Skryf N Kort Paragraaf Oor N Karakter
Skryf N Kort Verslag Oor Prosedure Wat Gevolg Moet Word
Skryf N Mening Oor N Storie
Skryf N Persoonlike Hervertelling Van Gebeure
Skryf N Persoonlike Verslag Van Gebeure (2)
Skryf N Resep
Skryf N Storie (2)
Skryf N Verslag Oor N Proses
Skryf Oor N Gedig
Spelling En Punktuasie
Werk Met Sinne
Werk met woorde
Woordeskat In Konteks
Afrikaans 6
Graad 6 Afrikaans -
Beskryf N Proses
Leesbegrip: Luister Na N Storie
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na En Gee N Reeks Instruksies
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na Gedigte Of Liedjies
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na Mondelinge Beksrywings Van Voorwerpe/ Diere/ Plante/ Plekke
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Feitelike Verslag (nuusberig)
Luisterbegrip: Luister Na N Storie (2)
Oefen Luister En Praat
Ontleed En Klassifiseer Dinge
Persoonlike Welstand
Speel N Taalspeletjie
Speel N Taalspeletjie (2)
Voer N Gesprek Oor N Onderwerp
Besin Oor Tekste Wat Selfstandig/In Pare Gelees Is
Lees Persoonlike Briewe
Leesbegrip: Lees Gedigte
Leesbegrip: Lees Inligtingsteks
Leesbegrip: Lees N Eenvoudige Feitelike Verslag (nuusbegrig)
Leesbegrip: Lees N Inligtingsteks Met Visuele Komponente
Leesbegrip: Lees N Storie
Leesbegrip: Lees N Storie (2)
Leesbegripsaktiwiteit (2)
Leesbegripsaktiwiteite (3)
Leesbegripsaktiwiteite (4)
Gebruik die stappe van prosesskryf
Gee N Beskrywing Van N Eenvoudige Proses
Gee N Beskrywing Van N Persoon
Gee N Beskrywing Van N Voorwerp/ Dier/ Plant/ Plek
Leer oor die Skryfproses
Ontwerp, Teken En Merk N Visuele Teks (diagram)
Ontwerp, Teken En Voltooi N Visuele Teks (plakaat)
Skryf 'n Gedig
Skryf 'n inligtingsteks bv. tekste wat in ander vakke gebruik is
Skryf Eenvoudige Definisies
Skryf Eenvoudige Definisies Deur N Raam Te Gebruik
Skryf N Eenvoudige Feitelike Verslag
Skryf N Eenvoudige Storie Met Behulp Van N Raam
Skryf N Eenvoudige Vrienskaplike Brief
Skryf Vir Persoobnlike Besinning (dagboekinskrywing)
Intensiewe vorme
Letterlik en Figuurlik
Manlik en Vroulik
Spelling en punktuasie
Teenswoordige en verlede tyd.
Trappe van Vergelyking
Werk met sinne
Werk met woorde
Afrikaans 7
Graad 7 Afrikaans -
Bekendstelling: Self Of Ander
Dialoog (gebruik Onvolledige Dialoë Vir Leerders).
Gesprek Oor ‘n Drama
Groep/klasbespreking: die manier waarop instruksies of prosedures gevolg word.
Hersiening en voorbereiding vir eksamen: Luister
Hersiening en voorbereiding vir eksamen: Praat
Luister Met Begrip
Luister met begrip hoe om `n vorm of vraelys te voltooi.
Luister met begrip na aanwysings wat gegee word.
Luister met begrip na `n geskrewe teks/TV-nuusaanbieding
Luister Na ‘n Kortverhaal
Luister Na Drama: Dialoog/onderhoud.
Luister Na En Bespreek ‘n Gedig
Luister na en bespreek nuus gebasseer op koerantberigte/tydskrifartikels
Luister na `n kortverhaal/volksverhale
Mondelinge kommunikasie: Debatteer
Mondelinge kommunikasie: die gebruik van `n vraelys/vorm.
Mondelinge kommunikasie: Gee aanwysings/instruksies
Mondelinge kommunikasie: rolspeel prosedures tydens `n vergardering.
Ondersoek van rolspel
Onvoorbereide mondelinge aanbieding
Vertel ‘n Storie Oor
Vertel `n storie
Voorbereide Hardoplees
Voorbereide mondelinge aanbieding
Voorbereide/Onvoorbereide hardoplees van `n koerantberig
Voorbereide/onvoorbereide praat
Vorme Van Mondelinge Kommunikasie: Dramatisering
Die leesproses
Hersiening en voorbereiding vir eksamen: Lees
Lees en kyk vir begrip (gebruik geskrewe en/of visuele teks, soos strokiesprente.
Lees en kyk vir begrip (gebruik geskrewe of visuele teks, soos advertensies)
Lees en kyk vir begrip: geskrewe/visuele teks/grafieke.
Lees En Kyk Vir Begrip: Strategieë
Lees en kyk vir inligting (gebruik teks soos koerantberigte/tysdkrifartikels/geskrewe mondelinge aanbieding
Lees instruksionele teks: prosedures
Lees literêre teks: drama/roman
Lees vir inligting: teks oor die belangrikheid van `n vraelys en hoe om dit te voltooi.
Lees `n teks met dagboekinskrywing/e-posboodskap/strooibiljet
Lees: Teks oor hoe om `n kennisgewing/agenda en notule te skryf.
Leesbegrip En Leesstrategieë
Literêre Teks Drama: Eenbedryf/eenakter
Literêre Teks: Gedigte
Literêre Teks: Jeugdrama/radiodrama
Literêre teks: jeugroman/kortverhaal/drama/radiodrama
Literêre Teks: Kortverhale
Ontleding van `n gedig
Poësie: Belangrike Kenmerke Van Die Gedig
Poësie: Kenmerke Van ‘n Gedig
Poësie: Kenmerke Van Die Gedig
Poësie: Voorgeskrewe gedigte
Pre-lees Strategieë
Skryf `n begripstoets
Beskrywende Opstel: Konvensies
Fokus Op Die Skryfproses: Stappe
Hersiening en voorbereiding vir eksamen: Opstelle
Hersiening en voorbereiding vir eksamen: Skryf
Korter transaksionele teks: instruksies
Kreatiewe Skryf: Eie Gedig
Lang/kort tansaksionele teks, bv. gee van aanwysings
Lang/korter transaksionele tekste, bv. e-pos, plakkate, dagboekinskrywings/strooibiljette
Langer Tekste: Geskrewe Onderhoud
Langer transaksionele tekste, bv. kennisgewing/agenda en notule.
Skryf ‘n Dialoog Vir Opvoering As Drama
Skryf lang/lkort transaksionele tekste - koerantberig
Skryf transaksionele tekste soos advertensies/plakkate.
Skryf `n dramaresensie
Skryf `n instruksie
Skryf `n resensie/brief
Skryf `n verhalende opstel: konvensies van `n paragraaf
Transaksionele tekste, soos: die voltooing van vraelyste of vorms.
Verhalende Paragraaf: Konvensies
Betekenisleer En Woordeskatuitbreiding
Betelnisleer En Woordeskatuitbreiding
Lees- En Skryftekens
Leestekens En Spelling
Spelling En Leestekens
Woordeskat Binne Konteks
Afrikaans 8
Graad 8 Afrikaans -
Begripluister vir nie-fiksie teks
Dialoog gebaseer op teks
Dialoog Gebasseer Op Teks
Forum- / Paneelbespreking
Forum-/ Groepbespreking: Koerantberig Of Tydskrifartikel
Forum-/ Paneelbespreking
Gee Aanwysings
Groepbespreking: brief aan die pers
Groepbespreking: debat
Groepbespreking: dialoog
Groepbespreking: Dinkskrum
Groepbespreking: Nie-fiksie teks
Groepbespreking: Visuele/ Oudiovisuele Multimediateks
Groepsbespreking: Debat
Luister hardop na 'n teks uit 'n kortverhaal
Luister met begip (opname van dialoog)
Luister met begip - brief aan die pers
Luister Met Begrip
Luister na 'n teks wat hardop gelees work
Luister Vir Inligting
Luister- En Praatstrategieë
Luisterbegrip: Slegs Klank
Onderhoud/ Voltooi ‘n Vraelys/ Groepbespreking
Onvoorbereide Mondeling: Koerantberig Of Tydskrifartikel
Onvoorbereide mondelinge aanbieding
Rekonstruasie Van Tonele
Voorbereide Hardoplees
Voorbereide Mondelinge Aanbieding
Die Leesproses
Eenbedryf / Eenakter
Koerantberig / Tydskrifartikel oor hedendaagse / sosiale aangeleenthede
Lees ‘n Koerantberig Of Tydskrifartikel
Lees ‘n Ondersoekende Verslag
Lees ‘n Toespraak
Lees En Kyk Van Geskrewe/ Visuele Teks Vir Begrip
Lees en Kyk vir Begrip
Lees vir begrip bv. dialoog
Lees Vir Begrip, Bv. Dialoog
Literêre Teks: Jeugverhaal
Literêre Teks: Roman/ Kortverhaal/ Drama
Literere teks soos drama / rolspel
Literere teks soos drama / toneelstuk
Literere teks soos jeugroman / kortverhaal
Literere teks soos jeugroman / kortverhaal / drama
Literere teks soos opname van televisie / radio / simulasie
Strategieë Vir Lees En Kyk Met Begrip
Transaksionele Tekste: Verslag/ Tydskrifartikel
Argumenterende / beskrywende opstel
‘n Mondelinge Aanbieding: Fokus Op Die Skryfproses
‘n Mondelinge Aanbieding: Vereistes T.o.v. Teks Vir Die Verhalende Opstel
Dialoog - konvensies van 'n paragraaf
Die Skryfproses: Stappe
Konvensies van 'n paragraaf
Literere Teks Bv. Kortverhaal
Resensie van die storie / roman
Skryf ‘n Brief Gebasseer Op ‘n Visuele Stimulus: Fokus Op Die Skryfproses
Skryf ‘n Verhalende/ Reflekterende Opstel
Skryf ‘n Verslag/ Tydskrifartikel Gebasseer Op ‘n Visuele Stimulus: Fokus Op Die Skryfproses
Transaksionele Teks - Dagboekinskrywing
Transaksionele teks - formele / informele brief
Transaksionele teks - joernalistieke verslag
Transaksionele teks, bv. geskrewe onderhoud
Transaksionele Tekste: Aanwysings / Instruksies
Transaksionele Tekste: Ondersoekende Verslag
Transaksionele Tekste: Verslag/ Tydskrifartikel
Transaksionele Tekste: Vriendskaplike/ Informele Briewe
Volg Die Stappe In Die Skryfproses
Betekenisleer En Woordeskatbuitbreiding
Betekenisleer En Woordeskatuitbreiding
Lees- En Skryftekens
Woordeskat Binne Konteks
Afrikaans 9
Grade 9 Afrikaans -
Discussion based on the understanding of a will
CV as a requirement for appointment
Dialogue: role-play a dialogue
Forum / Group Discussion: Culture
Group discussion
Listening and speaking strategies
Listening and Speaking: Ad Analysis
Listen with understanding
Listen With Understanding: Advertising
Listen With Understanding: Dialogue
Listen to a debate
Listen to a modeling presentation
Listen to a negotiation conversation between two people: dialogue
Listen to an interview
Listen to a recording: advertisement
Listen to a story
Listen to a newspaper article
Listen to a Telephone Conversation / Dialogue on a Dispute
Listening To Reading A Text
Listening for Comprehension: Oral Presentation
Listen for comprehension: oral text
Listening and Speaking Strategies
Listen / Watch an Ad
Oral Presentation Of An Article
Participate in a debate
Unprepared Reading
Unprepared Oral Presentation
Role Playing Oral Transaction Between a Buyer and a Seller That Has Been Wrong
Role play a situation
Meeting procedure
Prepared Reading aloud
Prepared oral presentation
The Reading Process
Read a literary text, e.g. drama
Read a literary text, e.g. drama / short story / folk tales
Read a literary text, e.g. short story / novel
Read a literary text, e.g. novel / youth novel / short story
Read a literary text, e.g. novel / youth novel / short story
Read a literary text, e.g. novel / folk tales / short story
Read a text, e.g. drama / short story / folk tales
Read an abridged will
Read a newspaper article / magazine / report
Read A Contract Between Buyer And Seller
Read and look
Reading and Viewing a Visual Text: advertisement / cartoon / graphics
Read And View A Contract For Understanding
Read And View Visual / Multimedia Text
Read and look for understanding
Reading And Viewing Comprehension: Using Newspaper
Reading And Viewing Comprehension: Visual Text (Advertisement, Poster, Cartoon)
Reading And Viewing Comprehension: Visual Text (Cartoon)
Read and look for information (will)
Reading comprehension
Reading Comprehension: Text From Prescribed Literary Works
Reading Comprehension: Visual and Written Texts
Reading strategy
Reading strategies
Literary Text Like Short Story / Youth Novel / Novel / Drama
Literary Text: Youth Novel Short Story / Drama
Literary Text: Youth Novel / Short Story / Drama
The Writing Process
Longer Transactional Texts: Article / Maintenance
Write a transactional text: notice, agenda and minutes
Write a narrative / descriptive / reflective essay
Write A Letter Of Appreciation For Help / Advice Received
Write a Narrative / Descriptive / Reflective Essay
Write a Report on Findings in a Dispute Between a Buyer and a Seller
Write shorter transactional texts: review of an ad
Write: Review / Documents
Writing process
Transactional text: dialogue
Transactional text: email
Transactional text: formal letter
Transactional text: tribute / diary entry / invitation card
Transactional text: invitation card
Transactional Texts: Advertisement / Poster
Transactional Texts: Diary Entry / Constitution / Policy
Transactional Texts: Cover Letter and CV
Transactional Texts: Testament
Meaning Learning And Vocabulary Expansion
Critical Language Use
Punctuation And Spelling
Sense level work
Vocabulary Within Context
Vocabulary In Context
Vocabulary In / Within Context
Word level work
Maths 1
Grade 1 Mathematics -
Basic Solid Shapes
Patterns Of Solid Shapes
Positions Of Solid Shapes
Problem Solving
Picture Graphs
Tally Charts
Notes And Coins
Problem Solving
Comparing Length
Measuring Length
Problem Solving
Measuring Mass
Problem Solving
Counting And Comparing
Reading A Calendar
Telling Time
Telling Number Stories
Addition With Number
Making Addition Stories
Other Methods Of Addition
Making Subtraction Stories
Other Methods Of Subtraction
Subtraction With Number
Naming Positions
Problem Solving
Basic Plane Shapes
Making Patterns And Shapes
Problem Solving
Order Of Numbers
Tens And Ones
Comparing Numbers
Comparison By Subtraction
Problem Solving
Counting And Comparing
Addition Within 20
Problem Solving
Subtraction Within 20
Counting And Comparing
Tens And Ones
Adding Three Numbers
Addition and Subtraction without Regrouping
Problem Solving
Halves And Quarters
Problem Solving
Addition And Subtraction Without Regrouping
Problem Solving
Maths 2
Grade 2 Mathematics -
Comparing and ordering unit fractions
Making a whole
Mind stretcher
Recognizing and naming fractions
Using fractions to describe halves and quarters
Continuing patterns
Forming solid figures
Identifying faces, edges and vertices
Identifying flat and curved surfaces
Mind stretcher
Making and reading picture graphs with scale
Picture graphs
Problem solving
Reading and interpreting picture graphs with scale
Duration of time
Duration of time from the hour
Problem solving
Telling time after the hour
Telling time before the hour
Telling time using a.m. and p.m.
Understanding the relationship between units of time
Changing cents and dollars
Comparing amounts of money
Counting dollars and cents
Exchanginging coins and notes
Giving change from $1
Word problems
Choosing units of measure
Drawing lines
Length in Centimeters
Length in Meters
Measuring lines
Mind stretcher
Word problems
comparing mass in grams
Estimating and measuring the mass of objects
Measuring mass in Kilogram
Mind stretcher
word problems
Continuing patterns
Copying shapes on a grid
Identifying line segments and a curve
Identifying semicircles and quarter circles
Mind stretcher
Naming basic shapes that make up a new shape
Comparing three numbers
Comparing two numbers
Counting amounts of money
Finding more than and less then
Hundreds, Tens and ones
Reading a number in hundreds, tens and ones
Addition and subtraction without regrouping
Mind stretcher
Problem solving
Subtraction without regrouping
Adding with regrouping in the tens and ones
Addition with regrouping
Mind stretcher
Problem solving
Solving a 1-step word problem
Solving a 1-step word problems
Subtraction with regrouping
Subtraction with regrouping in hundreds and tens
Subtraction with regrouping in hundreds and tens and ones
Adding the same number
Completing multiplication sentences
Making multiplication stories
Related multiplication facts
Solving multiplication problems
Telling number stories
Division within 40 , finding the number of things in each group
Finding the number of groups
Finding the number of things in each group
Related division facts
Telling division stories
writing a fact family
Counting by twos
Dividing by 10
Dividing by 2
Dividing by 5
Double facts
Mind stretcher
Multiplying by 10
Multiplying by 5
Review 3
using dot cards
Word problems
Adding 98 or 99 to a 1-digit number
Adding 98 or 99 to a 2-digit number
Adding 98 or 99 to a 3-digit number
Adding ones to a 3-digit number with regrouping
Adding ones, tens or hundreds to a 3-digit number without regrouping
Adding tens to a 3-digit number with regrouping
Finding the missing part in an subtraction sentence
Finding the missing part in an addition sentence
Making 100 by counting on
Making 100 using place value
Mental addition
Mental subtraction
subtract 98 or 99 from 3-digit numbers
subtracting 98 or 99 from hundreds
Subtracting ones, tens or hundreds from a 3-digit number without regrouping
Subtracting ones from a 3-digit number with regrouping
Subtracting tens from a 3-digit number with regrouping
counting by fours
Counting by threes
Dividing by 3
Dividing by 4
Mind stretcher
using dot cards
Word Problems
Maths 3
Grade 3 Mathematics -
Sub Category
Comparing Sizes Of Angles
Identifying And Naming Points, Lines, Line Segments And Rays
Identifying Angles
Identifying Angles In Shapes
Identifying Angles On Objects
Identifying Right Angles
Identifying Right Angles In Shapes
Mind Stretcher
Comparing Three Numbers
Comparing Two Numbers
Finding 'more Than' And 'less Than'
Identifying Values Of Digits
Number Patterns
Reading And Writing Numbers
Adding With Regrouping Once
Adding With Regrouping Thrice
Adding With Regrouping Twice
Mind Stretcher
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Regrouping From Hundreds Then Thousands
Regrouping From Thousands
Solving 1-step Word Problems
Subtracting With Regrouping Once
Subtracting With Regrouping Thrice
Subtracting With Regrouping Twice
Understanding The Meaning Of Sum And Difference
Adding Fractions With Different Denominators
Adding Fractions With The Same Denominator
Comparing Fractions
Comparing Using Equivalent Fractions
Finding Equivalent Fractions By Dividing
Finding Equivalent Fractions By Multiplying
Mind Stretcher
Naming Parts Of A Fraction
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Subtracting Fractions With Different Denominators
Subtracting Fractions With The Same Denominator
Understanding Equivalent Fractions
Bar Graphs
Reading And Interpreting Bar Graphs
Reading Bar Graphs
Reading Block Graphs
Drawing Parallel Line Segments
Drawing Perpendicular Line Segments
Horizontal And Vertical Line Segments
Identifying Parallel Line Segments
Identifying Perpendicular Line Segments
Mind Stretcher
Adding And Subtracting Hours And Minutes
Duration Of Time
Expressing Days In Weeks And Days
Expressing Hours And Minutes In Minutes
Expressing Minutes In Hours And Minutes
Expressing Months In Years And Months
Expressing Weeks And Days In Days
Expressing Years And Months In Months
Mind Stretcher
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Reading Time
Word Problems
Counting By Eights
Counting By Nines
Dividing 2-digit Numbers
Dividing 3-digit Numbers
Dividing 3-digit Numbers By 6
Dividing 3-digit Numbers By 7
Dividing 3-digit Numbers By 8
Dividing 3-digit Numbers By 9
Dividing By 6
Dividing By 7
Dividing By 8
Dividing By 9
Dividing Hundreds And Tens By 2
Dividing With Remainder
Mind Stretcher
Multiplying 2-digit Numbers With Regrouping Of Ones
Multiplying 2-digit Numbers With Regrouping Of Ones And Tens
Multiplying 2-digit Numbers With Regrouping Of Tens
Multiplying 2-digit Numbers Without Regrouping
Multiplying 3-digit Numbers By 7
Multiplying 3-digit numbers by 8
Multiplying 3-digit Numbers By 9
Multiplying 3-digit Numbers With Regrouping Of Tens And Hundreds
Multiplying And Dividing By 6 Using Dot Cards
Multiplying And Dividing By 6 Using Square Units
Multiplying And Dividing By 7 Using Dot Cards
Multiplying And Dividing By 7 Using Square Units
Multiplying By Zero
Multiplying Ones, Tens And Hundreds
Odd And Even Numbers
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Solving 1-step Word Problems
Solving 2-step Word Problems
Adding Dollars And Cents
Adding Dollars And Cents Mentally
Adding Dollars And Cents With Regrouping
Adding Dollars And Cents Without Regrouping
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Solving 1-step Word Problem Involving Subtraction Of Money
Solving 1-step Word Problems
Subtracting Dollars And Cents Mentally
Subtracting Dollars And Cents With Regrouping
Subtracting Dollars And Cents Without Regrouping
Subtracting From $10
To Subtract Money In Decimal Notation Up To $100
Adding Numbers By Making Tens
Adding Numbers Using The 'add The Tens, Then Add The Ones' Strategy
Dividing Tens Or Hundreds
Multiplying Tens Or Hundreds
Subtracting 2-digit Numbers
Subtracting From Tens
Adding And Subtracting Centimeters And Millimeters
Adding And Subtracting Kilometers And Meters
Adding And Subtracting Meters And Centimeters
Comparing Lengths In Kilometers And Meters
Comparing Lengths In Meters And Centimeters
Expressing Centimeters And Millimeters In Millimeters
Expressing Centimeters In Meters And Centimeters
Expressing Kilometers And Meters In Meters
Expressing Meters And Centimeters In Centimeters
Expressing Meters In Kilometers And Meters
Expressing Millimeters In Centimeters And Millimeters
Length In Kilometers
Length In Meters And Centimeters
Length In Millimeters
Mind Stretcher
Problem Solving - Word Problems
To Compare Lengths In Millimeters
Adding And Subtracting Kilograms And Grams
Comparing Mass In Kilograms And Grams
Expressing Grams In Kilograms And Grams
Expressing Kilograms And Grams In Grams
Mass In Kilograms And Grams
Mind Stretcher
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Adding And Subtracting Liters And Milliliters
Comparing Capacity
Comparing Capacity In Liters
Comparing In Liters And Milliliters
Comparing Volumes
Comparing Volumes Of Liquid In Two Or More Containers In Liters
Expressing Liters And Milliliters In Milliliters
Expressing Milliliters In Liters And Milliliters
Liters And Milliliters
Mind Stretcher
Problem Solving - Word Problems
Understanding Volume
Volume And Capacity
Volume In Liters
Area In Square Meters
Area Of Other Figures In Square Centimeters
Area Of Squares In Square Centimeters
Mind Stretcher
Square Units
Understanding Area
Understanding Square Meters
Maths 4
Grade 4 Mathematics -
Problem Solving
Numbers to 100 000
Numbers To 1000
Rounding Numbers
Division By 1-digit Numbers And By 10
Multiplication By 1-digit Numbers And By 10
Multiplication By 2-digit Whole Numbers
Problem Solving
Addition Of Fractions
Conversion Of Measurements
Improper Fractions
Mixed Numbers
Problem Solving
Product Of A Fraction And A Whole Number
Subtraction Of Fractions
Problem Solving
Properties Of Squares And Rectangles
Line Graphs
Presenting Data
Problem Solving
Angle Measures
Turns And 8-point Compass
Drawing Parallel Line Segments
Drawing Perpendicular Line Segments
Area Of A Rectangle
Composite Figures
Problem Solving
Squares And Rectangles
Symmetric Figures
24-hour Clock
Problem Solving
Maths 5
Grade 5 Mathematics -
Addition And Subtraction Of Mixed Numbers
Addition And Subtraction Of Unlike Fractions
Division Of Fractions By Whole Numbers
Division Of Fractions By Whole Numbers: Solving word problems
Division Of Whole Numbers By Fractions
Division Of Whole Numbers By Fractions: Solving word problems
Finding the product of fractions by calculation
Fractions And Division: Associating fractions with division
Fractions And Division: Dividing whole numbers to get mixed numbers
Fractions And Division: Expressing improper fractions as decimals
Fractions And Division: Expressing improper fractions as whole numbers and mixed numbers
Fractions And Division: Problem Solving
Multiplying a fraction or a mixed number by a mixed number.
Multiplying whole numbers by mixed numbers
Problem Solving
Product Of Fractions And Mixed Numbers
Solving word problems
Conversion Of Measurements
Dividing ones, tenths or hundredths by 10
Dividing whole numbers by 1000
Dividing whole numbers or decimals by 100
Dividing whole numbers or decimals by hundreds or thousands
Dividing whole numbers or decimals by ten
Division By Tens, Hundreds Or Thousands
Expressing mixed numbers as decimals correct to 2 decimal places
Multiplication By 2-digit Whole Numbers
Multiplication Of Decimals
Multiplying a decimals by tenths
Multiplying decimals
Multiplying decimals by 100
Multiplying decimals by 1000
Multiplying decimals by 2-digit whole numbers
Multiplying decimals by hundres or thousands
Multiplying tenths, hundredths or thousandths by 10
Mutiplying decimals by 10
Problem Solving
Rounding quotients to 2 decimal places
Solving word problems
Comparing Three Quantities
Equivalent Ratios
Finding a missing term in a pair of equivalent ratios
Finding missing terms in a pair of ewuivalent ratios
Mind stretcher
Solving word problems
Using a bar model to show a ratio
Using a ratio to compare a quantity wiuth the total quantity
Using a ratio to compare two quantities
Using ratios to compare lengths, masses and volumes
Writing a ratio in it's simples form
Writing Equivalent Ratios
Finding Unknown Measures Of Angles
Mind stretcher
Sum of angle measured at a point
Sum of angle measures on a line
Vertically opposite angles
Approximation And Estimation
Comparing numbers within 1000 000
Estimating products and quotients
Estimating sums and differences
Finding out if a number is a common factor pf two given numbers
Finding out if a number is a common multiple of two given numbers
Identifying values of digits in numbers within 10 000 000
Identifying values of digits in numbers within 1000 000
Identifying values of digits in numbers within 1000 000 000
Numbers To 100 000 000
Reading and writing numbers within 10 000 000
Reading and writing numbers within 1000 000 000
Rounding numbers to the nearest ten thousand, hundred thousand, million, ten million or hundred million.
Carrying out mixed operations
Carrying out mixed operations with parentheses
Dividing By Tens, Hundreds Or Thousands
Division: Dividing a 3 - digit whole number by a 2 - digit whole number to get a 2 - digit quotient.
Division: Dividing a 4-digit whole number by a 2-digit whole number to get a 2-digit or 3-digit quotient
Division: Dividing by tens
Division: Estimating and adjusting the quotient when dividing a 2-digit whole number by another 2 - digit whole number
Division: Estimating and adjusting the quotient when dividing a 3-digit whole number by another 2 - digit whole number
Division: Estimating the quotient when dividing by a 2 - digit whole number by estimating the quotient.
Division: Solving word problems
Estimating product
Estimating quotients
Mind Stretcher
Multiplication: Multiplying 4 - digit whole numbers by 2 - digit whole numbers
Multiplication: Solving word problems
Multiplying By Tens, Hundreds Or Thousands
Order Of Operations
Order Of Operations Multipying and Dividing whole numbers
Problem Solving
Angles Measures Of A Triangle
Drawing rhombuses
Drawing a triangle given the length of two sides and one angle measure
Drawing a triangle given two angle measures and one side
Drawing Four-sided Figures
Drawing parallelograms
Drawing trapeziods
Exploring angle properties of a parallelogram
Exploring angle properties of a rhombus
Exploring angle properties of a trapezoid
Finding unknown angle measures in isosceles and equilateral triangles
Finding unknown angle measures in rhombuses
Finding unknown angle measures in right triangles
Finding unknown angle measures in trapeziods
Finding unknown angle measuresin parallelograms
Finding unknown angles measures in triangles
Four-sided Figures
Identify equilateral triangles
Identifying isosceles triangles
Identifying right triangles
Interior and exterior od a triangle
Making Isosceles And Equilateral Triangles
Mind stretcher
Expressing decimals as percents
Expressing fractions as percents
Expressing fractions with denominators greater than 100 as percents
Expressing Fractions with denominators smaller than 100 as percents
Expressing parts of a whole as percents
Expressing percents as a decimals
Expressing percents as fractions
Finding the value of a percentage of a quantity
Mind stretcher
Percentage Of A Quantity
Relating 1 whole to 100%
Solving 2-step word problems
Understanding percent
Finding the average given the total amount and the number of items
Finding the average given the total amount in compound units and the number of items
Finding the average in the form of a decimal
Finding the average of a set of data
Finding the total amount given the average and the number of items
Finding the total amount given the average in compound units and the number of items
Mind stretcher
Word problems
Finding quantities by expressing rates in a different way
Finding quantities unsing given rates
Finding rates
Finding rates, then finding quantities
Mind stretcher
Word problem
Finding area of parallelograms
Finding area of rhombuses
Finding area of triangles
Finding the area of composite figures
Finding the shaded area related to area of triangles
Identifying bases and heights, then finding area of triangles
Identifying heights that are not within the triangles
Identifying the base and the height of triangles
Mind stretcher
Making a tessellation with two unit shapes
Making different tessellations with a unit shape
Mind Stretcher
Recognizing shapes that can tessellate
Recognizing shapes that cannot tessellate
Adding or removing unit cubes to get a new solid
Counting unit cubes in a given solid
Identifying different views of a solid
Identifying Solids
Mind stretcher
Converting units of volume
Finding the height of water level given the area and volume
Finding the height of water level given the length, width and volume
Finding the length of one edge of a cube given its volume
Finding the length of one edge of a cuboid given its volume and two other edges
Finding the length of one edge of a cuboid given the area of one face and volume
Finding volume of cuboids in cubic centimeters
Finding volume of cuboids in cubic meters
Finding volume of solids in cubic centimeters
Finding volumes of liquids
Finding volumes of solids in cubic units
Mind stretcher
Units Of Volume
Word problems
Finding the value of an algebraic expression involving addition or subtration
Simplifying algebraic expressions with three or four terms
Simplifying algebraic expressions with two terms
Writing algebraic expressions involving addition and subtraction
Writing and evaluating algebraic expressions involving division
Writing and evaluating algebraic expressions involving more than one operation
Writing and evaluating algebraic expressions involving multiplication
Maths 6
Grade 6 Mathematics -
Divide whole numbers by fractions
Division Of Fractions By Fractions
Problem Solving
Division By 2-digit Whole Numbers
Division Of Decimals By Decimals
Division Of Whole Numbers
Mixed Calculations With Fractions And Decimals
Mixed Operations On Decimals
Cylinders And Cones
Prisms And Pyramids
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Ratio And Fractions
Ratio And Proportion
One Quantity As A Percentage Of Another
Part Of A Whole As A Percent
Word Problems
Problem Solving
Speed And Average Speed
Problem Solving
Radius And Diameter
Pie Charts
Problem Solving
Algebraic Equations
Problem Solving
Triangles and Four-sided Figures
Whole Numbers and Decimals
Maths 7
Grade 7 Mathematics -
Collecting Data
Determine Averages, Using Mode, Median, Mean And Range
Presenting Data And Interpreting Results
Area, Perimeter And Volume
Length, Mass And Capacity
Time And Rates Of Change
Adding And Subtracting Numbers. Multiplication And Associate Division Facts.
Addition and Subtraction
Decimals. Representing Decimals On A Number Line.
Laws Of Arithmetic And Inverse Operations
Negative Numbers
Number And Calculation 2
Numbers and Digits
Rounding Off Decimals
Two Decimal Places Place Value. Representing Hundredths On A Number Line.
Equations And Formulae
Sequences, Functions And Graphs
Symmetry And Transformations
Lines And Angles
Common Fractions
Common Fractions And Decimal Fractions
Fractions, Decimals And Percentages
Ratio And Proportion
Maths 8
Grade 8 Mathematics -
Geometric Concepts
Shapes And Mathematical Drawings
Planning, Collecting And Processing Data
Presenting Data And Interpreting Results
Area, Perimeter And Volume
Length, Mass And Capacity
Time And Rates Of Change
Number And Calculation 1
Number And Calculation 2
Expressions And Functions
Expressions, Equations And Formulae
Sequences, Functions And Graphs
Common Fractions
Common Fractions And Decimal Fractions
Fractions, Decimals And Percentages
Ratio And Proportion
Maths 9
Grade 9 Mathematics -
Shapes And Mathematical Drawings
Planning, Collecting And Processing Data
Presenting Data And Interpreting Results
Area, Perimeter And Volume
Compound Measures
Length, Mass And Capacity
Rounding, Multiplying And Dividing
Equations And Inequalities
Expressions And Formulae
Mental Strategies
Sequences, Functions And Graphs
Fractions And Indices
Fractions, Decimals And Percentages
Ratio And Proportion
International GCSE Maths
International GCSE Maths -
Lines, Angles And Shapes
Averages And Measures Of Spread
Collecting, Organizing And Displaying Data
Histograms And Frequency Distribution Diagrammes
Scatter Diagrammes And Correlation
Understanding Measurement
Reviewing Number Concepts
Sequences And Sets
Equations And Transforming Formulae
Further Solving Of Equations And Inequalities
Making Sense Of Algebra
Pythagoras' Theorem And Similar Shapes
Straight Lines And Quadratic Equations
Perimeter, Area And Volume
Common Fractions
Curved Graphs
Symmetry And Loci
Managing Money
Scale Drawings, Bearings And Trigonometry
Sub Category
Probability Using Tree Diagrammes
Transformations And Matrices
Histograms And Frequency Distribution Diagrammes
More Equations, Formulae And Functions
Ratio, Rate And Proportion
Curved Graphs
Symmetry And Loci
Science 1
Grade 1 Science -
Uses, Circuits and Switches
Absence of Light
Light Sources
Our Bodies
Our Senses
We Are Different
We Are Similar
Our Ears
Sounds Move
Where Do Sounds Come From?
Animal Babies
Animal Classification
Animals And Plants Alive
Healthy Food And Drink
Life Cycles
Local Environments
Growing Seeds
Plant Parts
Plants And Light
Sorting Materials
Using Materials
What Is It Made Of?
Changing Movement
How Toys Work
On The Playground
Pushes And Pulls Around Us
Seasons and the Weather
Science 2
Grade 2 Science -
Electricity Around Us
Making A Circuit
Staying Safe
Using Motors And Buzzers
Can We Care For Our Environment?
Different Places to Live
Extreme Weather
Our Weather
Wind Erosion
Other Natural Materials
Uses Of Rocks
What Are Rocks?
Bending And Twisting
Fantastic Elastic
Heating And Cooling
Materials Changing Shape
Light Sources
Making Shadows
Shadow Shapes
Changing Shadows
Day And Night
Does The Sun Move?
Science 3
Grade 3 Science -
Different types of plants
Plant Growth And Temperature
Plants And Their Parts
Plants Need Light And Water
Transporting Water
Value of plants
A Healthy Diet
An Unhealthy Diet
Exercise And Sleep
Food Groups
Growth And Nutrition
Living And Non-Living
Movement And Reproduction
Sorting Humans
Sorting Living Things
Hearing And Touch
Taste And Smell
Magnetic Materials
Properties Of Materials
Sorting Materials
Testing Materials
Uses Of Materials
Changing Shape
How Big Is That Force?
Push And Pull
Science 4
Grade 4 Science -
Drugs And Medicines
How Medicines Work
Skeletons And Movement
The Human Skeleton
Why Do We Need A Skeleton?
A Habitat For Snails
Amazing Birds
Animals In Local Habitats
How We Effect The Environment
Identification Keys
Identifying Invertebrates
Recycling Can Save The Earth
Wonderful Water
How Do Solids, Liquids And Gasses Behave?
Matter Is Made Of Particles
Melting And Boiling Points
Melting In Different Solids
Melting, Freezing And Boiling
Having Fun With Wind Instruments
High And Low Sounds
How Sound Travels
Loud And Soft Sounds
Muffling Sounds
Pitch On Percussion Instruments
Sound Travels Through Different Materials.
Sound Travels Through Materials
Sound Volume
Magnetic Poles
Magnets In Everyday Life
Strength Of Magnets
Which Metals Are Magnetic?
Circuits With Buzzers
Circuits With More Components
Components And A Simple Circuit
Electricity Flows In Circuits
Mains Electricity
Structure of a plant
Understanding living and non-living things
Science 5
Grade 5 Science -
Investigating Evaporation
Investigating Evaporation From A Solution
The Water Cycle
Who Invented The Temperature Scale?
Why Evaporation Is Useful
Differences between metals and non-metals
Oxides, hydroxides, sulfates and carbonates
How Seeds Grow
Investigating Germination
Plants And Light
What Plants Need To Grow?
How Seeds Are Spread
Investigation Pollination
Other Ways Seeds Are Spread
Plant Life Cycles
The Parts Of A Flower
Why Plants Have Flowers
Light Changes Direction
Light Travels From A Source
Seeing Behind You
Which Surfaces Reflect Light The Best?
How Scientists Measured And Understood Light
Investigating Shadow Lengths
Light Travels In Straight Lines
Measuring Light Intensity
Silhouettes And Shadow Puppets
What Affects The Size Of A Shadow?
Which Materials Let Light Through?
Does The Sun Move?
Exploring The Solar System
Exploring The Stars
Sunrise And Sunset
The Earth Revolves Around The Sun
The Earth Rotates On Its Axis
The Sun, The Earth And The Moon
Acoustical Engineering
Blast Off
Break out
Hot Stuff
New Stuff
Product Development
Push and Pull
Solar Engineering
Stop and Go
Up and Away
Up and Down
Science 6
Grade 6 Science -
Body Organs
Heartbeat And Pulse
The Digestive System
The Heart
The Lungs And Breathing
What Do The Kidneys Do?
What Does The Brain Do?
Air Resistance And Drag
Balanced And Unbalanced Forces
Forces And Energy
How Forces Act
Investigating Friction
Mass And Weight
The Effects Of Forces
Gas Pressure
The particle theory of matter
Differences between metals and non-metals
Discovering the Elements
Elements and their Symbols
Introducing elements.
Material Properties
Metal Alloys
Non Metal Elements
Oxides, hydroxides, sulfates and carbonates
Separating mixtures
The pH scale and indicators
Acids and Alkalis
How Can We Make Solids Dissolve Faster
How Does Grain Size Affect Dissolving?
Mixing And Separating Solids
Reversible And Irreversible Changes
Separating Insoluble Substances
Soluble And Insoluble Substances
The pH scale
Acid Rain
Air Pollution
Consumers in food chains
Food Chains Begin With Plants
Food Chains In A Local Habitat
Food chains in different habitats
Food Chains In The Namib Desert
Predators And Prey In The Namib Desert
Take Care Of Your Environment
Adding Different Components
Changing The Number Of Components
Choosing The Right Materials For Electrical Appliances?
Circuit Symbols
Cost of electricity
Do Different Metals Conduct Electricity Equally Well?
Does Water Conduct Electricity?
Fossil fuels and electricity
Illegal connections
Improving Volta's Battery
Length And Thickness Of Wire In A Circuit
Renewable ways to generate electricity
What Materials Conduct Electricity?
Movements of the Earth, Planets and the Moon.
Rovers on the Moon and Mars
Systems for looking into space
The revolution of the Earth
The rotation of the Moon
The Sun, Planets and Asteroids
Food groups
The need to process food.
Importance of wetlands
Water pollution
Plants and food
Clean water
Igneous Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Sedimentary Rock Formation
Sedimentary Rocks
The age of the Earth
The ground beneath your feet
Scientific Method
Biology 7
Grade 7 Biology -
Leaves, Stems And Roots
Questions, Evidence And Explanations
Extension: Extending Lives
Muscles And Movement
Organ Systems
Studying The Human Body
The Circulatory System
The Human Skeleton
Extension: Nerves
Harmful Micro-organisms
Louis Pasteur
Planning Investigations
Plant And Animal Cells
Specialised Cells
Testing Predictions
The Characteristics Of Living Things
Tissues And Organs
Useful Micro-organisms
Changing The Planet
Feeding Ourselves
Food Chains
Growing Fuels
Obtaining Energy
Preventing Extinction
Causes Of Variation
Classification Of Plants
Choosing Apparatus
Working Accurately And Safely
Biology 8
Grade 8 Biology -
Asking Scientific Questions
Water And Minerals
Why We Need Plants
A Balanced Diet
Extension: Choosing Foods.
Managing Variables
The Digestive System
Using Enzymes
Diet And Fitness
Extension: Anaemia
Identifying Trends
The Circulatory System
Communicating Findings
Extension: Anaerobic Respiration
Gas Exchange
Smoking And Lung Damage
The Lungs
Fetal Development
Extension: Boosting Your Immunity
Extension: Defence Against Disease
Analysing Results: Charts And Diagrams
Displaying Results
Recording Results
Biology 9
Grade 9 Biology -
Extension: Phyto-extraction
Plant Growth
Preliminary Tests
Seed Dispersal
Darwin's Theory Of Evolution
Enquiry: Developing A Theory
Extension: Chromosomes
Extension: Investigating Inheritance
Extension: Moving Genes
Extension: Using Genes
Selective Breeding
Using Keys
What Makes Us Different?
Enquiry: Sampling Techniques
Extension: Survival
Extreme Adaptation
Studying The Natural World
Changing Populations
Energy Flow
Extension: Maintaining Biodiversity
Facing Extinction
Food Webs
Air Pollution
Enquiry: How Scientists Work
Saving Rainforests
Water Pollution
Animal Classification
Detecting Gases
International GCSE Biology
International GCSE Biology -
Biology is the study of life and living organisms
Invertebrate animals
Organisms are made up of cells
The organisation of living organisms
The variety of life
Vertebrate animals: five classes
Sensitivity and movement in plants: tropisms
Absorption and assimilation makes food available
All living things are made up of organic molecules
Animal nutrition converts food molecules to a usable form
Antibodies and the immune response
Balancing energy intake and energy demand: problems causing malnutrition
Breathing ventilates the lungs
Capillaries: materials are exchanged between blood and tissues, and tissue fluid is formed
Combating infection: blood and defence against disease
Contraction of muscles requires energy supplied by respiration
Control of body temperature
Coordination: the nervous system
Coronary heart disease
Dialysis and the treatment of kidney failure
Digestion prepares useful food molecules for absorption
Drugs and disorders of the nervous system
Enzyme experiment and the scientific method
Enzymes control biochemical reactions in living organisms
Excretion: removal of waste products of metabolism
Food and the ideal diet
Food and the ideal diet: vitamins,minerals, water snd fibre
Food is the fuel that drives the processes of life
Gas exchange supplies oxygen For respiration
Health and disease
Homeostasis: mantaining a steady state
How do we know that smoking causes disease?
Individuals and community can fight disease together
Ingestion provides food for the gut to work on
Integration by the central nervous system
Leaf structure and photosynthesis
Movement of in and out of cells- Diffusion
Neurones can work together in a reflex arc
Pathogens are organisms that cause disease
Photosynthesis and plant nutrition
Photosynthesis and the environment
Plants and minerals
Preventing disease: safe food
receptors and senses: the eye as a sense organ
Respiration provides the energy for life
Smoking and disease
Testing for biochemicals
The circulatory system
The control of photosynthesis
The endocrine system
The heart is the pump for the circulatory system
The leaf and water loss
The measurement of respiration
The rate of photosynthesis
Transpiration: water movement through the plant
Transport systems in animals use blood as the transport medium
Transport systems in plants
Uptake of water and minerals by roots
Artificial selection
Birth and the new born baby
Causes of variation
Cell division
Copulation and conception
DNA, proteins and the characteristics of organisms
Fertilisation and the formation of seed and fruit
Germination of seeds
How the code is carried
Inherited medical conditions and codominance
Natural selection
Pollination: the transfer of male sex cells to female flower parts
Pregnancy: development and antenatal care
Pregnancy: the role of the placenta
Reproduction in flowering plants
Reproduction in humans
Reproduction is an important characteristic of living organisms
Sex is determined by X and Y chromosones
Sexually transmitted diseases
Studying patterns of inheritance
The menstrual cycle
Variation and inheritance
Variation and natural selection: the evolution of species
Bacteria are use for biotechnology and genetic engineering
Baking and brewing: the economic importance of yeast
Conservation efforts worldwide
Conservation of resources: recycling water by the treatment of sewage
Damage to ecosystems: malnutrition and famine
Decay is a natural process
Ecology and ecosystems
Factors affecting population size
Feeding relationships: pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy
Flow of energy: food chains and food webs
Food supply: humans and agriculture
Genetic engineering
Human impacts on the environment: pollution
Human population growth
Humans may have a positive effect on the environment: conservation of species
Humans use enymes from bacteria
Land use for agriculture
Managing fish stocks: science and the fishing industry
Pollution of water: eutrophication
Recycling: management of solid waste
Saving fossil fuels: fuel from fermentation
The carbon cycle
The nitrogen cycle
Using fungi to produce antibiotics: drugs to control bacterial disease
Water is recycled too
Biology is the study of life and living organisms
Invertebrate animals
Organisms are made up of cells
The organisation of living organisms
The variety of life
Vertebrate animals: five classes
Sensitivity and movement in plants: tropisms
Absorption and assimilation makes food available
All living things are made up of organic molecules
Animal nutrition converts food molecules to a usable form
Antibodies and the immune response
Balancing energy intake and energy demand: problems causing malnutrition
Breathing ventilates the lungs
Capillaries: materials are exchanged between blood and tissues, and tissue fluid is formed
Combating infection: blood and defence against disease
Contraction of muscles requires energy supplied by respiration
Control of body temperature
Coordination: the nervous system
Coronary heart disease
Dialysis and the treatment of kidney failure
Digestion prepares useful food molecules for absorption
Drugs and disorders of the nervous system
Enzyme experiment and the scientific method
Enzymes control biochemical reactions in living organisms
Excretion: removal of waste products of metabolism
Food and the ideal diet
Food and the ideal diet: vitamins,minerals, water snd fibre
Food is the fuel that drives the processes of life
Gas exchange supplies oxygen For respiration
Health and disease
Homeostasis: mantaining a steady state
How do we know that smoking causes disease?
Individuals and community can fight disease together
Ingestion provides food for the gut to work on
Integration by the central nervous system
Leaf structure and photosynthesis
Movement of in and out of cells- Diffusion
Neurones can work together in a reflex arc
Pathogens are organisms that cause disease
Photosynthesis and plant nutrition
Photosynthesis and the environment
Plants and minerals
Preventing disease: safe food
receptors and senses: the eye as a sense organ
Respiration provides the energy for life
Smoking and disease
Testing for biochemicals
The circulatory system
The control of photosynthesis
The endocrine system
The heart is the pump for the circulatory system
The leaf and water loss
The measurement of respiration
The rate of photosynthesis
Transpiration: water movement through the plant
Transport systems in animals use blood as the transport medium
Transport systems in plants
Uptake of water and minerals by roots
Artificial selection
Birth and the new born baby
Causes of variation
Cell division
Copulation and conception
DNA, proteins and the characteristics of organisms
Fertilisation and the formation of seed and fruit
Germination of seeds
How the code is carried
Inherited medical conditions and codominance
Natural selection
Pollination: the transfer of male sex cells to female flower parts
Pregnancy: development and antenatal care
Pregnancy: the role of the placenta
Reproduction in flowering plants
Reproduction in humans
Reproduction is an important characteristic of living organisms
Sex is determined by X and Y chromosones
Sexually transmitted diseases
Studying patterns of inheritance
The menstrual cycle
Variation and inheritance
Variation and natural selection: the evolution of species
Bacteria are use for biotechnology and genetic engineering
Baking and brewing: the economic importance of yeast
Conservation efforts worldwide
Conservation of resources: recycling water by the treatment of sewage
Damage to ecosystems: malnutrition and famine
Decay is a natural process
Ecology and ecosystems
Factors affecting population size
Feeding relationships: pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy
Flow of energy: food chains and food webs
Food supply: humans and agriculture
Genetic engineering
Human impacts on the environment: pollution
Human population growth
Humans may have a positive effect on the environment: conservation of species
Humans use enymes from bacteria
Land use for agriculture
Managing fish stocks: science and the fishing industry
Pollution of water: eutrophication
Recycling: management of solid waste
Saving fossil fuels: fuel from fermentation
The carbon cycle
The nitrogen cycle
Using fungi to produce antibiotics: drugs to control bacterial disease
Water is recycled too
Physics 7
Grade 7 Physics -
Air Resistance
Balanced Forces
Distance-time Graphs
Enquiry: Asking Scientific Questions
Enquiry: Planning Investigations
Enquiry: Presenting Results - Tables And Graphs
Enquiry: Presenting Results In Tables And Graphs
Enquiry: Questions, Evidence, And Explanation
Enquiry: Taking Accurate Measurements
Extension: Acceleration And Speed-time Graphs
Extension: Round In Circles
Introduction To Forces
Tension And Upthrust
Conservation Of Energy
Elastic Potential Energy
Energy Calculations And Sankey Diagrams
Energy From The Sun
Energy Transfer
Energy Types
Enquiry: Suggesting Ideas - Investigations
Gravitational Potential Energy And Kinetic Energy
Suggesting Ideas - Observations And Models
What Is Energy?
Beyond Our Solar System
Communicating Ideas
Day And Night
Explanations - Geocentric Model
Explanations - Heliocentric Model
Our Solar System
The Moon
The Night Sky
The Origin Of The Universe
The Seasons
Using Secondary Sources
Enquiry: Making Simple Calculations
Extension: Detecting Sounds
Extension: Echoes
Loudness And Decibel Scale
Loudness, Amplitude, And Oscilloscopes
Pitch And Frequency
Sound, Vibrations, And Energy Transfer
Physics 8
Grade 8 Physics -
Acceleration and speed-time graphs
Calculating Moments
Distance-Time Graphs
Enquiry: Planning
Enquiry: Preliminary Work
Enquiry: Questions, Evidence, And Explanations
Explaining Density
Extension: Centre Of Mass And Stability
Extension: Pressure, Volume, And Temperature In Gases
Presenting results in tables and graphs
Pressure In Gases
Pressure In Liquids
Taking accurate measurements
Using Pressure In Liquids
Cooling by Evaporation
Energy for the Future
Energy Transfer: Conduction
Energy Transfer: Convection
Energy Transfer: Radiation
Fossil Fuels
Generating Electricity
Hot and Cold
Renewable Energy Sources : Solar and Geothermal
The World's Energy Needs
Detecting Sounds
Loudness and the decibel scale
Loudness, amplitude, and oscilloscopes
Making simple calculations
Pitch and Frequency
Sound, Vibrations, and Energy Transfer
Enquiry: Asking Scientific Questions
Extension: Lasers
Extension: The Speed Of Light
How Do We See Things?
Making Measurements: Laws Of Reflection
Presenting Conclusions: More On Colour
Refraction: Air And Glass
Refraction: Air And Water
What Is Light?
Enquiry: Identifying And Controlling Variables
Extension: Using Electromagnets
Magnetic Fields
The Properties Of Magnets
Current: What is it and how can we measure it
Dangers of Electrostatic Phenomena
Digital Sensors
Electric Circuits
Electrostatic Phenomena
Energy and Power
How components affect the current
Models for Electric Circuits
Parallel Circuits
Selecting ideas to test circuits
Recording Motion
Physics 9
Grade 9 Science -
The Effects Of Pressure
Cooling By Evaporation
Energy For The Future
Energy Transfer: Conduction
Energy Transfer: Convection
Energy Transfer: Radiation
Fossil Fuels
Generating Electricity
Hot And Cold
Renewable Energy Sources: Solar And Geothermal
Renewable Energy Sources: Using Water And Wind
The World's Energy Needs
Current: What It Is And How We Can Measure It
Dangers Of Electrostatic Phenomena
Digital Sensors
Electric Circuits
Electrostatic Phenomena
Enquiry: Selecting Ideas To Test Circuits
Extension: Energy And Power
How Components Affect The Current
Models For Electric Circuits
Parallel Circuits
A system of units
Measuring length and time
Measuring volume and density
More about mass and density
Numbers and units
Volume and density
Action and Reaction
Force, Mass, and Acceleration
Force, Weight, and Gravity
Forces in Balance
Free Fall
More About Vectors
More Motion Graphs
Motion Graphs
Moving in Circles
Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
International GCSE Physics
International GCSE Physics -
Current in a simple circuit
Electric charge (1)
Electric charge (2)
Electric field
Electrical energy and power
Living with electricity
More about resistance factors
Potential difference
Resistance (1)
Resistance (2)
Series and parallel circuits (1)
A system of units
Measuring length and time
Measuring volume and density
More about mass and density
Numbers and units
Volume and density
Action and reaction
Force, mass, and acceleration
Force, weight, and gravity
Forces in balance
Free fall
Momentum (1)
Momentum (2)
More about vectors
More motion graphs
Motion graphs
Moving in circles
Recording motion
Speed, velocity, and acceleration
Centre of mass
Forces and turning effects
Gas pressure and volume
Hydraulic systems
More about moments
Pressure from the air
Pressure in liquids
Pressure problems
Stretching and compressing
Calculation PE and KE
Efficiency and power
Energy for electricity (1)
Energy for electricity (2)
Energy resources
Energy transformation
How the world gets its energy
Work and energy
Expanding solids and liquids
Heating gases
Latent heat
Liquids and vapours
Moving particles
Specific heat capacity
Temperature (1)
Temperature (2)
Thermal conduction
Thermal radiation
Characteristics of sound waves
Sound waves
Speed of sounds and echoes
Transverse and ligitudinal waves
Wave effects
Electromagnetic waves (1)
Electromagnetic waves (2)
Lenses (1)
Lenses (2)
Light rays and waves
More lenses in action
Reflection in plane mirrors (1)
Reflection in plane mirrors (2)
Refraction calculations
Refraction of light
Sending and storing
Total internal reflection
Coils and transformers (1)
Coils and transformers (2)
Electric motors
Electromagnetic induction
Magnetic effect of a current
Magnetic fields
Magnetic force on a current
More about induced currents
Power across the country
Electron beams
Electronic essentials
Electronic switching
Logic gates (1)
Logic gates (2)
More on components
Atoms and particles (1)
Atoms and particles (2)
Fusion future
Inside atoms
Nuclear energy
Nuclear radiation (1)
Nuclear radiation (2)
Radioactive decay (1)
Radioactive decay (2)
Using radioactivity
Force, motion, and energy
Key developments in Physics
Magnetism and electricity
Rays, waves, and particles
The Earth and beyond
Dealing with data
Evaluating and improving
Measuring and recording
Planning and preparing
Some experimental investigations
Taking a practical test
Working safely
The essential mathematics
Current in a simple circuit
Electric charge (1)
Electric charge (2)
Electric field
Electrical energy and power
Living with electricity
More about resistance factors
Potential difference
Resistance (1)
Resistance (2)
Series and parallel circuits (1)
A system of units
Measuring length and time
Measuring volume and density
More about mass and density
Numbers and units
Volume and density
Action and reaction
Force, mass, and acceleration
Force, weight, and gravity
Forces in balance
Free fall
Momentum (1)
Momentum (2)
More about vectors
More motion graphs
Motion graphs
Moving in circles
Recording motion
Speed, velocity, and acceleration
Centre of mass
Forces and turning effects
Gas pressure and volume
Hydraulic systems
More about moments
Pressure from the air
Pressure in liquids
Pressure problems
Stretching and compressing
Calculation PE and KE
Efficiency and power
Energy for electricity (1)
Energy for electricity (2)
Energy resources
Energy transformation
How the world gets its energy
Work and energy
Expanding solids and liquids
Heating gases
Latent heat
Liquids and vapours
Moving particles
Specific heat capacity
Temperature (1)
Temperature (2)
Thermal conduction
Thermal radiation
Characteristics of sound waves
Sound waves
Speed of sounds and echoes
Transverse and ligitudinal waves
Wave effects
Electromagnetic waves (1)
Electromagnetic waves (2)
Lenses (1)
Lenses (2)
Light rays and waves
More lenses in action
Reflection in plane mirrors (1)
Reflection in plane mirrors (2)
Refraction calculations
Refraction of light
Sending and storing
Total internal reflection
Coils and transformers (1)
Coils and transformers (2)
Electric motors
Electromagnetic induction
Magnetic effect of a current
Magnetic fields
Magnetic force on a current
More about induced currents
Power across the country
Electron beams
Electronic essentials
Electronic switching
Logic gates (1)
Logic gates (2)
More on components
Atoms and particles (1)
Atoms and particles (2)
Fusion future
Inside atoms
Nuclear energy
Nuclear radiation (1)
Nuclear radiation (2)
Radioactive decay (1)
Radioactive decay (2)
Using radioactivity
Force, motion, and energy
Key developments in Physics
Magnetism and electricity
Rays, waves, and particles
The Earth and beyond
Dealing with data
Evaluating and improving
Measuring and recording
Planning and preparing
Some experimental investigations
Taking a practical test
Working safely
The essential mathematics
Chemistry 7
Grade 7 Chemistry -
Boiling, Evaporating, And Condensing
Enquiry: Planning An Investigation
Enquiry: Presenting Evidence
Enquiry: Questions, Evidence, And Explanations
Extension: Energy And Changes Of State
Melting, Freezing, And Subliming
The Particle Theory Of Matter
Using Particle Theory To Explain Dissolving
Elements And Their Symbols
Enquiry: Chlorides
Enquiry: Interpreting Data From Secondary Sources
Enquiry: Making A Compound
Enquiry: Making Conclusions From Data
Enquiry: Organising The Elements
Enquiry: Separating Mixtures - Filtering And Decanting
Explaining Differences Between Metals And Non-metals
Extension: Discovering The Elements
Extension: Metal Alloys
Extension: Polymers
Extension: Separating Metals From Their Ores
Extension: Separating Mixtures - Fractional Distillation
Extension: What Are You Made Of?
Introducing Elements
Material Properties
Metal Elements
Naming Compounds And Writing Formulae
Non-metal Elements
Oxides, Hydroxides, Sulphates, And Carbonates
Separating Mixtures - Chromatography
Separating Mixtures - Evaporation And Distillation
What Are Compounds?
Acids And Alkalis
Enquiry: Planning Investigations And Collecting Evidence
The Ph Scale And Indicators
Enquiry: More About Soil
Enquiry: Questions, Evidence, And Explanations: The Rock Cycle
Enquiry: Using Science To Explain Predictions: Volcanoes
Estimating The Age Of The Earth
Extension: Human Fossils
Igneous Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Sedimentary Rock Formation
Sedimentary Rocks
The Structure Of The Earth
Chemistry 8
Grade 8 Chemistry -
Enquiry: Doing An Investigation
Enquiry: Ideas And Evidence
Explaining Density
Explaining Diffusion
Explaining Gas Pressure
The States Of Matter Revisited
Atomic Structure
Discovering the Elements
Discovering The Nucleus
Elements and their symbols
Enquiry: Finding Electrons
Enquiry: How Scientists Work Inside Sub-atomic Particles
Enquiry: Looking At Secondary Data - Chlorinating Water
Explaining difference between metals and non-metals
Extension: Proton Number, Nucleon Number, And Isotopes
Interpreting data from secondary sources
Making a Compound
Naming compounds and writing formulae
Organising the Elements
Oxides, hydroxides, sulfates, and carbonates
Periodic Trends
Protons, Electrons, And The Periodic Table
Separating mixtures - chromatography
Separating mixtures - evaporation and distillation
Separating mixtures - filtering and decanting
Separating mixtures - fractional distillation
The Group 1 Elements
The Group 2 Elements
The Group 7 Elements
What are Compounds
Chemical Reactions
Corrosion Reactions
Enquiry: Doing An Investigation
Extension: Using Reactions To Identify Chemicals
Writing Word Equations
Chemistry 9
Grade 9 Chemistry -
A closer look at gases
Everything is made of particles
Solids, liquids, and gases
The Particles in solids, liquids and gases
Group 2 Elements
How scientists work: inside sub-atomic particles
Looking at secondary data - chlorinating water
Periodic Trends
Protons, electrons, and the periodic table
The Group 7 Elements
Energy Changes In Chemical Reactions
Enquiry: Investigating Endothermic Changes
Enquiry: Investigating Fuels
Extension: Calculating Food Energy
Extensions: Choosing Fuels
Enquiry: Nickel In The Reactivity Series
Extension: Writing Symbol Equations
Metal Displacement Reactions
The Reactions Of Metals With Acids
The Reactions Of Metals With Oxygen
The Reactions Of Metals With Water
The Reactivity Series
Using The Reactivity Series: Extracting Metals From Their Ores
Extension: Making Salts - Acids And Alkalis
Extension: Making Salts - Fertilisers
Making Salts - Acids And Carbonates
Making Salts - Acids And Metals
Catalysts And Reaction Rate
Concentration And Reaction Rate
Rates Of Reaction
Surface Area And Reaction Rate
Temperature And Reaction Rate
A closer look at gases
Everything is made of particles
Solids, liquids, and gases
The particles in solids, liquids and gases
Mixtures, solutions, and solvents
More about paper chromatography.
Pure substances and impurties
Separation Methods (part 1)
Separation Methods (part 2)
The chromatography detectives
Atoms and elements
Compounds, mixtures, and chemical change
How electrons are arranged
Isotopes and radioactivity
More about atoms
The metals and non-metals
The bonding in metals.
Equations for chemical reactions
The masses of atoms, molecules and ions
The names and fomulae of compounds
International GCSE Chemistry
International GCSE Chemistry -
Comparing ionic and covalent compounds
Compounds, mixtures, and chemical change
Covalent compounds
Giant covalent structures
More about ions
The covalent bond
The ionic bond
Why do atoms form bonds?
Some calculations about masses and %
Calculations from equations, using the mole
Finding % yield and % purity
Finding the empirical formula
From empirical to final formula
Reactioins involving gases
The concentration of a solution
The mole
Oxidation and reduction
Oxidising and reducing agents
Redox and changes in oxidation state
Redox and electron transfer
Conductors and insulators
The electrolysis of brine
The principles of electrolysis
The reactions at the electrodes
Two more uses of electrolysis
Energy changes in reactions
Energy from fuels
Explaining energy changes
Giving out energy as electricity
Reversible reactions
Shifting the equilibrium
Changing the rate of a reaction (part 1)
Changing the rate of a reaction (part 2)
Explaining rates
Measuring the rate of a reaction
Photochemical reactions
Rates of reaction
A closer look at acids and alkalis
A closer look at neutralisation
Acids and alkalis
Finding concentrations by titration
Making insoluble salts by precipitation
Making salts
The reactions of acids and bases
Across the Periodic Table
An overview of the Periodic Table
Group I: the alkali metals
Group VII: the halogens
Group VIIII: the noble gases
The transition elements
Comparing metals for reactivity
Making use of the reactivity series
Metals in competition
Metals: a review
The reactivity series
Extracting aluminium
Extracting iron
Extracting metals from their ores
Making use of metals and alloys
Metals in the Earth's crust
Steels and steel-making
Making use of air
Pollution alert!
The rusting problem
Water supply
What is air?
Carbon and the carbon cycle
Greenhouse gases, and global warning
Hydrogen, nitrogen, and ammonia
Making ammonia in industry
Some carbon compounds
Sulfur and sulfur dioxide
Sulfuric acid
Cracking hydrocarbons
Families of organic compounds
Petroleum: a fossil fuel
Refining petroleum
The alcohols
The alkanes
The alkenes
The carboxylic acids
Addition polymerisation
Condensation polymerisation
Introducing polymers
Making use of synthetic polymers
Natural polymers in food (part1)
Natural polymers in food (part2)
Plastics: here to stay?
Chemistry: a practical subject
Example of an experiment
Testing for ions in the lab: anions
Testing for ions in the lab: cations
Working with gases in the lab
A closer look at gases
Everything is made of particles
Solids, liquids, and gases
The particles in solids, liquids and gases
Mixtures, solutions, and solvents
More about paper chromatography.
Pure substances and impurities
Separation Methods (part 1)
Separation Methods (part 2)
Atoms and elements
Compounds, mixtures, and chemical change
How electrons are arranged
Isotopes and radioactivity
More about atoms
The metals and non-metals
Comparing ionic and covalent compounds
Compounds, mixtures, and chemical change
Covalent compounds
Giant covalent structures
More about ions
The bonding in metals.
The covalent bond
The ionic bond
Why do atoms form bonds?
Equations for chemical reactions
Some calculations about masses and %
The masses of atoms, molecules and ions
The names and fomulae of compounds
Calculations from equations, using the mole
Finding % yield and % purity
Finding the empirical formula
From empirical to final formula
Reactioins involving gases
The concentration of a solution
The mole
Oxidation and reduction
Oxidising and reducing agents
Redox and changes in oxidation state
Redox and electron transfer
Conductors and insulators
The electrolysis of brine
The principles of electrolysis
The reactions at the electrodes
Two more uses of electrolysis
Energy changes in reactions
Energy from fuels
Explaining energy changes
Giving out energy as electricity
Reversible reactions
Shifting the equilibrium
Changing the rate of a reaction (part 1)
Changing the rate of a reaction (part 2)
Explaining rates
Measuring the rate of a reaction
Photochemical reactions
Rates of reaction
A closer look at acids and alkalis
A closer look at neutralisation
Acids and alkalis
Finding concentrations by titration
Making insoluble salts by precipitation
Making salts
The reactions of acids and bases
Across the Periodic Table
An overview of the Periodic Table
Group I: the alkali metals
Group VII: the halogens
Group VIIII: the noble gases
The transition elements
Comparing metals for reactivity
Making use of the reactivity series
Metals in competition
Metals: a review
The reactivity series
Extracting aluminium
Extracting iron
Extracting metals from their ores
Making use of metals and alloys
Metals in the Earth's crust
Steels and steel-making
Making use of air
Pollution alert!
The rusting problem
Water supply
What is air?
Carbon and the carbon cycle
Greenhouse gases, and global warning
Hydrogen, nitrogen, and ammonia
Making ammonia in industry
Some carbon compounds
Sulfur and sulfur dioxide
Sulfuric acid
Cracking hydrocarbons
Families of organic compounds
Petroleum: a fossil fuel
Refining petroleum
The alcohols
The alkanes
The alkenes
The carboxylic acids
Addition polymerisation
Condensation polymerisation
Introducing polymers
Making use of synthetic polymers
Natural polymers in food (part1)
Natural polymers in food (part2)
Plastics: here to stay?
Chemistry: a practical subject
Example of an experiment
Testing for ions in the lab: anions
Testing for ions in the lab: cations
Working with gases in the lab
History 1
Grade 1 History -
What was Childhood like for our Grandparents?
Who Were The Greatest Explorers?
How Did The First Flight Change The World?
The History and Importance of Ships
The Importance Of The Locomotive
History 2
Grade 2 History -
Bonfire Night And The Great Fire Of London
History of the Telephone
Joan Grant's Letter
The Space Race
Learning From Leaders
Local Hero's
Local History
History 3
Grade 3 History -
Local History - Plan A Campaign To Save A Building
Local History - What Makes A Building / Site Special?
The Stone Age - Features
Neolithic Times
Progress Throughout The Stone Age
Bronze Age vs Iron Age
Happenings Of The Iron Age
Heritage Exhibition
Home Life In The Iron Age and Bronze Age
How Does The Amesbury Archer Contribute To Our Knowledge About The Bronze Age
Plan A Campaign To Save A Building
Should All Listed Buildings Be Preserved?
The Influence Of Bronze
Was This Period Safe Or Dangerous For People?
What Makes A Building / Site Special?
Ancient Egypt
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Lighthouse of Alexandria
History 4
Grade 4 History -
How Do We Find Out About The History Of A Local Area?
How Do We Find Out About The Present In A Local Area?
Mahatma Gandhi
Nelson Mandela, A Good Leader
Qualities Of A Good Leader
Roman Leaders
The Ancient Egyptians - How Much Did They Achieve
Environmental Damage
Transport In The Air
Transport on land
Transport On Land - Animals
Transport On Land - The Bicycle
Transport On Land - The Motor Car
Transport On Land - The Steam Engine And The Train
Transport On Land - The Wheel And Cart
Transport On Land - Wagons And Coaches
Transport On Water
The Camera
The Personal Computer, The Internet And Cell Phone
The Postal System
The Radio
The San And The Oldest Forms Of Human Communication
The Telegraph
The Telephone
The Television
The Typewriter
History 5
Grade 5 History -
An Ancient African Society
The Nile River
The spread of Egypt's advance knowledge
Way of life
Archaeological Remains
Dark Age
Finding Evidence
Settled in England
Staffordshire Hoard
Sutton Hoo Ship Burial
What Makes People Go On A Journey?
How Did We Find Out About Hunter Gatherers?
Medicine From Plants
San Hunter-gatherers Society In The Later Stone Age
San Rock Art
The Khoikhoi Herder Society In The Later Stone Age
Homesteads And Villages
Social, Political And Economic Structures
When, Why And Where The First African Farmers Settled In Southern Africa
Cradle Of Humankind- Gauteng
Frances Baard - Northern Cape
Gariep Dam - Free State
Golden Objects At Mapungubwe - Limpopo
Makhonjwa Mountains - Mpumalanga
San Rock Art In The Drakensberg - Kwazulu - Natal
Stone-walled Town Of Kaditshwene - North West
The Castle - Western Cape
The Healing Properties Of The Aloe - Eastern Cape
The Names Of Provinces And Their Capital Cities On A Map
What Is Heritage?
Early Journeys
Chinese writing and the Qin
The Far East
Roman Builders
Roman Gladiators
Roman Gods
Romulus and Remus
The power of Rome
The beginning of Christianity
The end of the Ancient Jewish Nation
History 6
Grade 6 History -
The Anglo-Saxons Settled in England
Changes in societies in the Limpopo valley 900AD and 1300AD
European explorer in Asia at the same time as Mapungubwe was at its height
European explorer Marco Polo and his travels
Great Zimbabwe
People who live long ago
The Ancient Maya Civilization
Trade across Africa and across the Indian Ocean and beyond. Globalisation.
World heritage site and the Order of Mapungubwe
History of South Africa
South African history
The contributions of Leonardo da Vince and Galileo Galilei
The Dutch East India Company
The European exploration
Trade and making a profit
Vasco da Gama
Children's rights and responsibilities
National symbols
National symbols - Coat of Arms
National symbols - Our flag
National symbols - Our National Anthem
Chris Barnard and the world's first heart transplant operation
Link between holistic and Western forms of healing today
Link between holistic and Western forms of healing today.
Medicine through time
Medicine through time - holistic healing
Medicine through time - sangomas
The fight against infectious diseases
The first antibiotic and Alexander Fleming
The first heart transplant - discoveries which made it possible
Vaccination against smallpox and Edward Jenner
Western scientific medical discoveries
What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?
Did WW1 or WW2 have a bigger impact on our locaility?
The kingdom of Mali
Timbuktu as a center of learning.
Timbuktu as a center of trade.
Trade across the Sahara Desert.
Impact of Transatlantic Slave Trade
Slavery in the South American
The nature of slavery in West Africa before Europeans.
High-Tech Industry
Dutch Settlement
Indigenous Inhabitants
Romulus and Remus
History 7
Grade 7 History -
Geography of Mesopotamia
Mesopotamian Innovations and Contributions
Mesopotamian Society
Dutch and French Huguenot immigration to the Cape
Dutch Settlement
Indigenous inhabitants of the Cape in the 17th century
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Trans-Saharan Slave Trade
Geography of Latin America
Government and Economy of Latin America
Human-Environment Interaction in Latin Africa
Modern Issue Analysis: Land Use in the Amazon Rain Forest
People and Culture of Latin America
Agriculture and Settlement - Early Agricultural Civilisations
Agriculture and Settlement - Neolithic Revolution
Human Origins - Early Humans
Human Origins - Rise of Humans
Egyptian Innovations and Contributions
Egyptian Society
Geography of Egypt
Geography of India
India's Religions: Origins and Characteristics
India's Rulers and Society
Ancient Chinese Economy
China's Belief Systems
Geography of China
Life in the Chinese Dynasties
Culture and Beliefs of the Ancient Hebrews
Life in Ancient Israel and the Diaspora
History 8
Grade 8 History -
China's Reunification and Development
The Ming Dynasty
The Mongols
World War 1
Geography of Ancient Greece
Greek Cultural Achievements
Greek Political Systems
A Weakening Empire
Geography and Economy of Ancient Rome
Roman Culture: Life and Legacy
Roman Origins and Early Political Structures
Christianity's Spread
Christianity: Origins and Characteristics
Islamic Expansion
Life in the Islamic Empires
Roots of Islam
Japan's Geography and Political Development
Japanese Society
Korea's Geography and Society
Geography of Africa
Growth of African Empires
Religion and Culture in Africa
Early North American Cultures and the Maya
The Aztec Empire
The Inca Empire
The Enlightenment
Black Death
The Reformation
Islamic Expansion
Life in the Islamic Empires
Roots of Islam
China's Reunification and Development
The Ming Dynasty
The Mongols
Cultures Collide in the America's
Motives for Exploration
Origins of Renaissance
Renaissance Cultural Contributions
Case Study: The Ashanti Kingdom
Causes of Colonisation
European Colonisation of Africa in the late 19th Century
Results of Colonisation
History 9
Grade 9 History -
Conquests and Colonies
Interwar Years
Nationalism and Reform
The Great Depression and Rise of Dictators
World War 1 and Russian Revolution
World War 2
Independence in Latin America
Responses to Industrialization
Revolutions in America and France
The Industrial Revolution
Postwar Tension and struggles during the Cold War
New International Relations
Postwar Tension and struggles during the Cold War
1948 The National Party and Apartheid
1950s: Repression and Non-Violent Resistance to Apartheid
Definition of Racism
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights after World War II
Geography 1
Grade 1 Geography -
What is it like where we live?
Where Do Our Favourite Animals Live?
Where In The World Do These People Live?
Geography 2
Grade 2 Geography -
Journey of Food
Our Wonderful World
People And Food
Ways Of Farming
Geography 3
Grade 3 Geography -
Climate Zone and Biome
Hottest, Driest Places on Earth
Importance of Climate
Polar Regions
Weather, Climate and Biomes
Determine Time
Lines on Maps and Globes
Reason for Night and Day
The World
Various Positions on Earth
Geography 4
Grade 4 Geography -
A Globe And Map Of The World
A Map Of South Africa
A Map of the USA
Compass Directions
Grid References
Side Views And Plan Views
Symbols And Keys
Building In Different Places And Their Uses
Landmarks And Explaining The Way
People And Places
People And Their Needs
Roads And Footpaths - How They Are Used Within Settlements
Crop Farming
From Farm To Factory To Shop To Home: Wheat Fields To Bread Sandwich
Locations Of Main Crop And Stock Farming Areas In South Africa
People And Food
Stock Farming
Unprocessed Food And Processed Food
Ways Of Farming
How People Get Their Water
Pollution And Waste Water
Rivers In South Africa
Uses Of Water
Water As A Resource
Food Groups
Road Trip
Geography 5
Grade 5 Geography -
African Oceans, Countries And Main Cities
Images Of Africa
Physical Map Of Africa
World Map And Compass Directions
Physical Features And Human Activities
Physical Features Of South Africa
Rivers Of South Africa
South Africa From Above
Locate The World’s Countries, Using Maps
Where Does All Our Stuff Come From?
Natural Vegetation
Mining And People
Mining And The Environment
The Minerals And Coal Resources Of South Africa
Jupiter and Saturn
Mercury and Venus
The Sun
Uranus and Neptune
Climate Change
Effects of climate change
Water Problem
Geography 6
Grade 6 Geography -
Global statistics
Latitude and longitude on a map
Latitude and longitude on a globe
Locate major current events of places in the news on a map
Province in an atlas
Amazon Climate And Wildlife
Discovering The Amazonian City Of Manaus
The Importance Of The Amazon
Understanding Life In The Amazon
Understanding The Amazon
Understanding The Value Of The Amazon And The Forests In South Africa
Case Study: Hamed's story
Case Study: The Body Shop
Concepts of 'unfair trade' and 'fair trade'
Exports and imports between South Africa and the world
Fair trading
From cocoa to chocolate
From gold to jewellery
Resources and their values
Skills and services
The human cost of unfair trade - work and exploitation
Trade as buying and selling goods for money
Trade as the exchange of goods
Values of selected raw materials and manufactured goods
What people trade
Why people trade
Climate around the world
Climate: temperatrue and rainfall patterns
Climate: temperature and rainfall
Climate: temperature and rainfall patterns
Coniferous forests
Difference between weather and climate
Hot deserts
Hot, mild and cold climates of the world
How people live in a desert
Human activities
Location of Earth
Location on Earth
Natural vegetation and wildlife in a coniferous forest
Natural vegetation and wildlife in a desert
Natural vegetation and wildlife in a rainforest
Tropical rainforests
Wet and dry areas of the world
Average population density for each province
Concepts of rural and urban
Living in rural South Africa
People and provinces in South Africa
Population and distribution around the world
Population distribution and density
Population distribution in South Africa
Reasons for location of settlement
Rural and urban areas
The city of Rio de Janeiro: a case study of a city
The influence of climate, water and mineral resources on global settlement
Total population figures for each province
Why people live in different parts of South Africa
Why people live where they do
Why people move from rural areas to towns and cities / urban areas
Are we damaging our world?
Threats to our environments
What are minerals and sustainable use
How will our world look in the future?
Structure of the Earth
River bends and meanders
How does ice shape the land.
How is the coastline shaped?
How is the landscape shaped.
Rivers and waterfalls
What is weathering and erosion
What landforms result from glaciation.
An Arable Farm
Car Industry
Choosing the right side
High-Tech Industry
Sheep Farm
Tourist Industry
Types of Economic Activity
Types of Farming
Asia's main human features
Asia's main physical features
India A Land Of Constrasts
India's Main Physical Features
Living in a Village
Living in Mumbai
Climate Change
Effects of climate change
Water Problem
Geography 7
Grade 7 Geography -
Places Regions and People
The World In Spacial Terms
Geography of Europe
Government and Economy of Europe
Human Environment Interaction in Europe
Modern Issue Analysis Immigration and Cultural Change in Europe
People and Culture of Europe
Geography of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Government and Economy of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Human Environment Interaction in North Africa and Southwest Asia
Modern Issue Analysis Is There Life After Oil
People and Culture of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Geography of Sub Saharan Africa
Government and Economy of Sub Saharan Africa
Government and Economy of Sub-Saharan Africa
Human Environment Interaction in Sub Saharan Africa
Modern Issue Analysis Analysing Solutions to Environmental Risk
People and Culture of Sub Saharan Africa
South Africa
An Arable Farm
Geography of the United States and Canada
Government and Economy of the United States and Canada
Human-Environment Interaction in the United States and Canada
Modern Issue Analysis: Aging Population
People and Culture of the United States and Canada
Geography 8
Grade 8 Geography -
Our Universe
The Earth's Revolution Around The Sun
The Globe
Understanding Satellites And Satellite Images
Understanding World Time Zones, International Date Line And South African Standard Time
Geography of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Government and Economy of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Human-Environment Interaction in North Africa and Southwest Asia
Modern Issue Analysis: Is There Life After Oil
People and Culture of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
Human-Environment Interaction in Sub-Saharan Africa
Modern Issue Analysis: Analysing Solutions to Environmental Risk Factors
People and Culture of Sub-Saharan Africa
Geography of the United States and Canada
Government and Economy of the United States and Canada
Human-Environment Interaction in the United States and Canada
Modern Issue Analysis: Aging Population
People and Culture of the United States and Canada
Geography of Latin America
Government and Economy of Latin America
Human-Environment Interaction in Latin America
Modern Issue Analysis: Land Use in the Amazon Rain Forest
People and Culture of Latin America
Geography of East Asia
Government and Economy of East Asia
Human-Environment Interaction in East Asia
Modern Issue Analysis: Life on the Fault Line
People and Culture of East Asia
Geography of South Africa
Government and Economy of South Asia
Human-Environment Interaction in South Asia
Modern Issue Analysis: Keeping up with growth
People and Culture of South Asia
Geography 9
Grade 9 Geography -
Impact of Migration
What is Migration
Contour lines
Reading Map scales
Topographic Maps
Geography of Southeast Asia
Government and Economy of Southeast Asia
Human-Environment Interaction in Southeast Asia
Modern Issue Analysis: Tension and Cooperation
People and Culture of Southeast Asia
Citizens of the world
Conflict and Peace
Globalization and Trade
Causes of a change in Population
How to study the population
Over/Under - population
Geography of Australia and surrounds
Government and Economy of Australia and surrounds
Human-Environment Interaction in Australia and surrounds
Modern Issue Analysis: Preserving the Great Barrier Reef
People and Culture of Australia and surrounds
Business Studies 7
Grade 7 Business Studies -
Community savings schemes
Financial institutions and organisations promoting entrepreneurship
Financial organisations
History of banks
Opening a savings account
Personal savings
Purpose of savings
Services offered by banks
The role of banks
Contribution of technology to improve productivity and economic growth
Definition of production
Effects of productivity on economic growth
Factors of production
Inputs and outputs
Meaning of economic growth
Mjeaning of productivity
Sustainable use of resources
Technology in the production process
Causes of socio-economic imbalances
Creating sustainable job opportunities
Education and skills to fight inequality and injustice
Inequality in South Africa
Rural challenges
Urban challenges
Hosting Entrepreneur's Day
Income and expenditure statement
Planning Entrepreneur's Day
Presenting your product
Achieving goals
Budget for Entrepreneurs day
Needs and wants of consumers
Setting goals
Simple cost calculation
SWOT analysis
The concept of advertising
Use of recycled material
What is involved in starting a business
Definition of an entrepreneur
Entrepreneurial actions of buying, selling, producing and making a profit
Skills of an entrepreneur
Definition of a budget
Income and expenses in detail
Personal and business budget
Business income and expenses
Personal income and expenses
Personal statement of net worth
Savings and investments
Banking, financial records and transactions
Budgets and savings
Capital, Assets, Liabilities
Income, expenses, profits losses
Advantages and disadvantages of different businesses
Effects of natural disasters and health epidemics on businesses
Formal and informal businesses
Role of businesses as producers and consumers
Goods and services
How to recycle and reuse goods to satisfy needs and wants
Producers and consumers
Basic needs of individuals, families, communities and countries
Primary and secondary needs
Unlimited wants and limited resources to satisfy needs and wants
Different types of money
Learn about history of money
Modern money
Traditional societies and bartering
Business Studies 8
Grade 8 Business Studies -
Assets and banking
Cash receipts and cash payments
Debit and credit
Income and expenses
Owner's equity
Profit and losses
Sole trader
Subsidiary journals
Businesses and their role in sustainable use of natural resources
Businesses and their roles in sustainable job creation
Closed corporations
Private and public companies
Sole traders
Different levels of government
Meaning of government
Roles of different levels of government iro businesses
Roles of different levels of government iro households
Direct and indirect taxes
Government expenditure on services
How does the National Budget work?
Influence of the National Budget on growth
Impact of development on the environment
Modern societies
Rural societies
Self-sufficient societies
Use of resources to promote a healthy environment
Bank statements
Cash invoices
Cheques and cheque counterfoils
Deposit and cash register slips
General Ledger
Introduction of Cash journals for service business
Source documents and subsidiary journals
The accounting cycle and transactions
Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet
Cash transactions in CRJ
Close off CRJ
Closing off CRJ
Concept of CRJ (service business)
Effects on accounting equation
Entering cash transactions in the Cash Receipts Journal
Format and uses of columns in CRJ
Source documents to complete CRJ
Capital - borrowed and owned
Natural resources
Remuneration for factors of production
Role of workers
Different types of markets
Factor markets
Closing off of CPJ
Combined transactions in the CRJ and CPJ
Concept of a CPJ of a service business
Effect of cash transactions on the accounting equation
Entering of cash transactions in the CPJ
Formats and uses of the columns in the CPJ
Source documents used to complete a CPJ
Characteristics of good management
Different levels of management
Different styles of management
Management tasks
Balancing of accounts
Double entry principle
Prepare a Trial Balance
Business Studies 9
Grade 9 Business Studies -
Calculating selling price and cost price
Calculating selling price and cost price using a mark-up%
Cash transactions of a trading business
CRJ and CPJ of a trading business
Effects of cash transactions on accounting equation
Advantages and disadvantages of economic systems
Global economy
Major economic systems
Origins of economic systems
Double entry principle
Posting from CRJ and CPJ to General Ledger
Posting to General Ledger
Preparing a Trial balance of a Trading business
Sections and format of General Ledger
Flow of goods and services, money and fop
Illustrate the circular flow
Participants in the circular flow of a closed economy
Accounting cycle
Credit sales
Debtors allowance
Effect of credit transactions on the accounting equation
National Credit act
Postings to the Debtors Ledger and General Ledger
Record payments by debtors in CRJ
Recording transactions in Debtors Journal (DJ)
Changes in quantity demanded
Changes in quantity supplied
Concepts of supply and demand
Equilibrium price and quantity
Graphical illustration of change in demand and supply
Increase in supply and demand
Law of demand and graphic illustration
Law of supply and graphical illustration
Role of the three sectors in the economy
Sustainable use of resources in the three sectors
The interrelationship of the three sectors
The primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
Types of businesses found in the three sectors
Types of skills required in each sector
Concept of trade unions
Contribution to sustainable growth and development
Effect of trade unions in business
Historical development of trade unions
Roles and responsibilities
Accounting cycle
Creditors allowance
Observe the effect of credit transactions on the accounting equation
Postings to the Creditors Ledger and General Ledger
Record payments to creditors in CPJ
Recording of transactions in the Creditors Journal (CJ)
Administration, purchasing, marketing, finance
Characteristics of these functions
Functions of businesses
General management and risk management
Public relations, Human resources, production,
Role and importance of business functions
Posting to the Debtors and Creditors Ledger
Posting to the General Ledger
Prepare the Trial balance
Recording of cash and credit transactions of sole trader
Subsidiary journals - CRJ, CPJ, CJ, CAJ, DJ, DAJ
Components of a business plan
Concept of business plan
Financial plan
Format of business plan
International GCSE Business Studies
International GCSE Business Studies -
Sub Category
How businesses increase added value
Importance of specialisation
Needs and wants
Purpose of business activity
Scarcity and opportunity cost
The purpose and nature of business activity
Changing importance of business classification
How businesses are classified
Private and public sector decisions
Business plan
Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
Measuring business size
Why some businesses fail
Why some businesses grow and others remain small
Franchises and joint ventures
Private and public limited companies
Public sector organisations
Sole traders and partnerships
Unincorporated and incorporated businesses
Business objectives and how their importance can change
Objectives of private sector and public sector enterprises
The role of stakeholder groups
Importance of a well-motivated workforce
Methods of motivation
Motivational theories
Leadership styles
Simple organisation charts
The role of management
Trade unions
Benefits and limitation of part-time and full-time employees
External recruitment
Importance of training
Internal recruitment
Legal controls over employment
Main stages in recruitment and selection of employees
Methods of training
Reasons for reducing the size of the workforce
Recruitment and selecting employees
Choosing the method of communication
Communication barriers
Effective communication
How communication barriers can be reduced or removed
Importance to the business
Market Changes
Market segmentation
Niche marketing and mass marketing
The Role of Marketing
Presentation and use of market research results
The role of market research and methods used
Aims of promotion
Marketing budget and promotion decisions
Place - distribution channels
Technology and the marketing mix
Choosing a marketing strategy
Legal controls related to marketing
Opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets
Control measures
Difference between goods and services
How technology has changed production methods
The main methods of production
What is production?
Break-even analysis
Economies of scale
How are costs classified?
Using cost data to make simple cost-based decisions
How businesses achieve quality production
Quality assurance
Why quality is important
Choosing a location
Factors influencing location and relocation decisions
The role of legal controls
Why businesses locate their operations to another country
Costs and benefits of developing new products
Price elasticity of demand and pricing decisions
Pricing methods
Product life cycle
The role of packaging
Benefits and limitations of communication methods
Communication barriers
Effective communication and how it is achieved
Market changes
Market segmentation
Niche marketing and mass marketing
The role of marketing
Presentation and use of market research results
The methods of market research
The role of market research
Cost and benefit of developing new products
Price elasticity
Pricing methods
The product life cycle
The role of packaging
Aims and forms of promotion
Distribution channels
Technology and marketing mix
The marketing budget and promotion decisions
Choosing a marketing strategy
Legal controls related to marketing
Opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets
Control measures
Difference between goods and services
How technology has changed production methods
The main methods of production
What is production?
Break-even analysis
Economies of scale
How are costs classified?
Using cost data to make simple cost-based decisions
How businesses achieve quality production
Quality assurance
Why quality is important
Choosing a location
Factors influencing location and relocation decisions
The role of legal controls
Why businesses locate their operations to another country
Alternative sources of capital
Choosing sources of finance
Factors influencing the choice of finance
Internal sources of finance
Main sources of finance
Short-term and long-term finance
Why businesses need finance
Financing a short-term cash shortage
Interpreting cash-flow statements
What is a cash-flow forecast?
Why cash is important to businesses
Working capital
How to interpret a statement of financial position
Main parts of a statement of financial position
Difference between profit and cash
Importance of profit
International GCSE Accounting
International GCSE Accounting
Accounting principles
What are liabilities?
What are the main financial statements?
What is accounting?
What is accounting equation?
How to prepare a simple statement of financial position
Preparing a classified statement of financial position
Recording transactions
What is this section about?
Buying goods for resale
Recording expenses
Selling goods
The drawings account
What about inventories?
What are expenses
How to think about these accounts and double entry
Where accounts appear in trial balance
Calculating profits and losses
How do accounting records show a business's profit/loss
What is profit
How is gross profit recorded?
Completing the capital account at the end of financial period
How are expenses recorded in the income statement
How is the profit recorded in the accounts?
What happens if a business makes a loss?
The rules for balancing and closing accounts
Multiple choice questions
Recording credit purchases in a purchases journal
What are source documents
Posting credit purchases of goods for sale
Processing credit sales
Accounting records and trade discount
Debit notes
Purchases return journal
Source documents for the purchases return
Recording returns in the financial statement
Source documents for money transactions
The cash book
Cash discount
Statement of account
What happens when a bank account becomes overdrawn?
How cash transactions are recorded
Source documents
Posting to the general ledger accounts and the purchases ledger accounts
What you should do with the balance of the petty cash
How to make journal entries
Error of commission
Error of omission
Error of principle
Errors not revealed by the Trial balance
Journalise entries for these errors
Compensation error
Error of complete reversal
Error of original entry
Journal entries
Journal entries
Suspense account and miscast
Correcting a draft statement of financial position
Correcting draft profit figures
Advantages of the reconciliation process
Comparing a cash book (bank columns) with a bank statement
Complete bank statement
How to prepare a bank statement
Preparing a bank reconciliation statement
Simple bank statements
More about preparing control accounts
Other entries in control accounts
Preparing sales and purchases ledger accounts
Adjusting expenses
Adjusting income
Irrecoverable debts and provisions for doubtful debts
Irrecoverable debts and the recovery of debts written off
Keeping a provision for doubtful debts up to date
Preparing financial statement with adjustments to expenses and income
Provisions for doubtful debts
Recording the disposal of a non-current asset
International GCSE Economics
International GCSE Economics -
Sub Category
Nature and purpose of trade unions
Economic and free goods
The economic problem
Factors of production and their rewards
Mobility, quantity and quality of factors
Definition and examples of opportunity cost
Opportunity cost and economic decision making
Movement along and shifts in a production possibility curve
The production possibility frontier
The difference between macro and microeconomics
Market equilibrium and market disequilibrium
Resource allocation decisions
The market system
Causes of shifts in the demand curve
Price and demand
Shifts in demand with movements along demand curve
Changes in supply
Conditions of supply
Individual and market supply curves
Price and supply
Market equilibrium
Causes and consequences of price changes
Draw demand and supply diagrams
Elasticity of demand and total spending
Price elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of supply
How system works in variety of countries
Merits and weaknesses of a market economic system
Role of private and public sectors
The market economic system
Causes of market failure
Private and social costs and benefits
The nature of market failure
Define terms such as privatisation, nationalisation and DPS
Effects of microeconomic policy measures
Government influence on micro-economy subsidies
Government influence on microeconomy indirect taxes
Government influence on microeconomy regulation
The nature of a mixed economy
Central banks
Commercial banks
Income and expenditure patterns
Influences on spending, saving and borrowing
Bargaining power of unions
Differences in earnings
Division of labour specialisation
Factors affecting occupation choice
Wage determination
Ways in which government policy affect wages
Classification of firms
Economies and diseconomies of scale
Growth of firms
Mergers and integration
Small firms
Nature and purpose of trade unions
Advantages and disadvantages of methods of growth
Demand for factors of production
Labour-intensive and capital-intensive production
Production and productivity
Fixed and variable costs
Objectives of firms
Output and costs
Total and average costs
Competitive markets
Monopoly markets
Government roles
Classification of taxes
Elements of fiscal policy
Fiscal policy and government aims
Impact of balanced, deficit and surplus budgets
Nature of budget surplus, deficit and balanced budget
Principles and impacts of taxation
Reasons for government spending and taxation
Effects of monetary policy on macroeconomic aims
How monetary policy may help government to achieve economic aims
Monetary policy measures
Economic growth and recession
Government policies for economic growth
Illustrating growth and recession
Measuring Gross Domestic Product
Causes of unemployment
Consequences of unemployment
Full employment
Patterns and levels of employment
Causes and consequences of deflation
Causes of inflation
Consequences of inflation
Policies to control inflation and deflation
The Retail Prices Index and inflation
Comparing living standards and income distribution
Indicators of living standards
Causes of poverty
Policies to alleviate poverty
Changes in population structure and their effect on an economy
Factors that affect population growth
Problems of population change
Reasons for different rates of population growth
The effect of changing population sizes on an economy
Different rates of development
Factors affecting development
Advantages and disadvantages of specialisation
Methods of protection
Reasons for protection
The benefits of free trade
Causes of foreign exchange rate fluctuations
Consequences of fluctuations
Exchange rates
Floating and fixed exchange rates
Current account deficit and surplus
Effectiveness of policies
Impacts of deficit or surplus
Policies to achieve balance of payments stability
The current account of the balance of payments
The effects of supply-side policy
Conflicts between government aims
Macroeconomic aims
International GCSE Computer Science
International GCSE Computer Science:
Binary systems and hexadecimal
Communication and internet technologies
Logic gates and logic circuits
Operating systems and computer architecture
Input and output devices
Memory and data storage
High- and low-level languages
Security and ethics
Problem solving and design
Pseudocode and flowcharts
Programming concepts
Data structures: arrays and using pre-release material
Mindfulness 1
Grade 1 Mindfulness -
AWARENESS: To Build The Foundational Mindfulness Skills Of Self-knowledge And Self-perception.
ATTENTION: To Develop An Understanding Of Attention And Develop The Skills Of Attention And Focus.
SAVOURING: To Foster Self-awareness And Social-awareness By Learning To Savour Experiences
MOVEMENT: To Build Self-awareness And Mindful Attention Through Movement.
RECOGNISING: To Develop The Ability To Recognise Emotions And Understand Their Transient Nature; Thereby Building Emotional Intelligence.
MANAGING EMOTIONS: To Continue To Build Emotional Intelligence By Developing Emotion Regulation Skills.
GRATITUDE: To Develop An Understanding Of What It Means To Be Grateful And To Foster Gratitude Personally And Through The Community.
OPTIMISM: To Develop An Understanding Of The Benefits Of, And The Ability To Cultivate An Optimistic Outlook.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop communication skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop the skills of communicating effectively in order to interact appropriately with peers.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To identify emotional control/impulse control.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS: To understand that beliefs and thinking patterns forms an important part of your ability to have control of your inner functioning and emotions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: Anxiety and panic attacks
INTERNET SAFETY: How to manage the internet safely
Mindfulness 2
Grade 2 Mindfulness -
AWARENESS: To Build The Foundational Mindfulness Skills Of Self-knowledge And Self-perception.
ATTENTION: To Develop An Understanding Of Attention And Develop The Skills Of Attention And Focus.
SAVOURING: To Foster Self-awareness And Social-awareness By Learning To Savour Experiences
MOVEMENT: To Build Self-awareness And Mindful Attention Through Movement.
RECOGNISING: To Develop The Ability To Recognise Emotions And Understand Their Transient Nature; Thereby Building Emotional Intelligence.
MANAGING EMOTIONS: To Continue To Build Emotional Intelligence By Developing Emotion Regulation Skills.
GRATITUDE: To Develop An Understanding Of What It Means To Be Grateful And To Foster Gratitude Personally And Through The Community.
OPTIMISM: To Develop An Understanding Of The Benefits Of, And The Ability To Cultivate An Optimistic Outlook.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop communication skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop the skills of communicating effectively in order to interact appropriately with peers.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To identify emotional control/impulse control.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS: To understand that beliefs and thinking patterns forms an important part of your ability to have control of your inner functioning and emotions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: Anxiety and panic attacks
INTERNET SAFETY: How to manage the internet safely
Mindfulness 3
Grade 3 Mindfulness -
AWARENESS: To Build The Foundational Mindfulness Skills Of Self-knowledge And Self-perception.
ATTENTION: To Develop An Understanding Of Attention And Develop The Skills Of Attention And Focus.
SAVOURING: To Foster Self-awareness And Social-awareness By Learning To Savour Experiences
MOVEMENT: To Build Self-awareness And Mindful Attention Through Movement.
RECOGNISING: To Develop The Ability To Recognise Emotions And Understand Their Transient Nature; Thereby Building Emotional Intelligence.
MANAGING EMOTIONS: To Continue To Build Emotional Intelligence By Developing Emotion Regulation Skills.
GRATITUDE: To Develop An Understanding Of What It Means To Be Grateful And To Foster Gratitude Personally And Through The Community.
OPTIMISM: To Develop An Understanding Of The Benefits Of, And The Ability To Cultivate An Optimistic Outlook.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop communication skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop the skills of communicating effectively in order to interact appropriately with peers.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To identify emotional control/impulse control.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS: To understand that beliefs and thinking patterns forms an important part of your ability to have control of your inner functioning and emotions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: Anxiety and panic attacks
INTERNET SAFETY: How to manage the internet safely
Mindfulness 4
Grade 4 Mindfulness -
AWARENESS: To Build The Foundational Mindfulness Skills Of Self-knowledge And Self-perception.
ATTENTION: To Develop An Understanding Of Attention And Develop The Skills Of Attention And Focus.
SAVOURING: To Foster Self-awareness And Social-awareness By Learning To Savour Experiences
MOVEMENT: To Build Self-awareness And Mindful Attention Through Movement.
RECOGNISING: To Develop The Ability To Recognise Emotions And Understand Their Transient Nature; Thereby Building Emotional Intelligence.
MANAGING EMOTIONS: To Continue To Build Emotional Intelligence By Developing Emotion Regulation Skills.
GRATITUDE: To Develop An Understanding Of What It Means To Be Grateful And To Foster Gratitude Personally And Through The Community.
OPTIMISM: To Develop An Understanding Of The Benefits Of, And The Ability To Cultivate An Optimistic Outlook.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop communication skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop the skills of communicating effectively in order to interact appropriately with peers.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To identify emotional control/impulse control.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS: To understand that beliefs and thinking patterns forms an important part of your ability to have control of your inner functioning and emotions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: Anxiety and panic attacks
INTERNET SAFETY: How to manage the internet safely
Mindfulness 5
Grade 5 Mindfulness -
AWARENESS: To Build The Foundational Mindfulness Skills Of Self-knowledge And Self-perception.
ATTENTION: To Develop An Understanding Of Attention And Develop The Skills Of Attention And Focus.
SAVOURING: To Foster Self-awareness And Social-awareness By Learning To Savour Experiences
MOVEMENT: To Build Self-awareness And Mindful Attention Through Movement.
RECOGNISING: To Develop The Ability To Recognise Emotions And Understand Their Transient Nature; Thereby Building Emotional Intelligence.
MANAGING EMOTIONS: To Continue To Build Emotional Intelligence By Developing Emotion Regulation Skills.
GRATITUDE: To Develop An Understanding Of What It Means To Be Grateful And To Foster Gratitude Personally And Through The Community.
OPTIMISM: To Develop An Understanding Of The Benefits Of, And The Ability To Cultivate An Optimistic Outlook.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop communication skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop the skills of communicating effectively in order to interact appropriately with peers.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To identify emotional control/impulse control.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS: To understand that beliefs and thinking patterns forms an important part of your ability to have control of your inner functioning and emotions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: Anxiety and panic attacks
INTERNET SAFETY: How to manage the internet safely
Mindfulness 6
Grade 6 Mindfulness -
AWARENESS: To Build The Foundational Mindfulness Skills Of Self-knowledge And Self-perception.
ATTENTION: To Develop An Understanding Of Attention And Develop The Skills Of Attention And Focus.
SAVOURING: To Foster Self-awareness And Social-awareness By Learning To Savour Experiences
MOVEMENT: To Build Self-awareness And Mindful Attention Through Movement.
RECOGNISING: To Develop The Ability To Recognise Emotions And Understand Their Transient Nature; Thereby Building Emotional Intelligence.
MANAGING EMOTIONS: To Continue To Build Emotional Intelligence By Developing Emotion Regulation Skills.
GRATITUDE: To Develop An Understanding Of What It Means To Be Grateful And To Foster Gratitude Personally And Through The Community.
OPTIMISM: To Develop An Understanding Of The Benefits Of, And The Ability To Cultivate An Optimistic Outlook.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop communication skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
COMMUNICATING MINDFULLY: To develop the skills of communicating effectively in order to interact appropriately with peers.
EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To identify emotional control/impulse control.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS: To understand that beliefs and thinking patterns forms an important part of your ability to have control of your inner functioning and emotions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: Anxiety and panic attacks
INTERNET SAFETY: How to manage the internet safely
Mindfulness 7
Grade 7 Mindfulness -
GRATITUDE: To allow appreciation to flourish.
OPTIMISM: To use different methods in order prepare for life's key moments.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
RELATIONSHIPS: To understand why mindfulness is key to cultivating successful relationships.
STUDY: To understand the impact multitasking vs uni-tasking can have on your study programme.
SLEEP: To understand the importance of good sleeping habits and how to maintain these habits.
MANAGING CHANGE: To become aware of the changing nature of all things and learn to accept change.
CURIOSITY: To be able to connect to your 'beginners mind' in order to see things with a curious and open mind.
THOUGHTS: To learn learn how to still one's mind in order to gain clarity.
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: To learn to ride the waves of anxiety and to find the tools to manage it.
DEALING WITH STRESS: To create a toolkit for managing stress.
SELF CARE: To understand that a balanced lifestyle is the key to self care.
INNER PEACE: To realise that inner peace is the core to a healthy physical and emotional life.
FOCUS: To learn how to reduce mind wandering, stay present and overcome distractions.
SAY YES TO DAILY LIFE: To understand that you should embrace every moment with a kind, wise and open heart.
INTERNET EDUCATION: How to manage the internet safely
TRANS GENDER EQUALITY: Understanding transgender issues
HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM: Importance of self esteem
Mindfulness 8
Grade 8 Mindfulness -
GRATITUDE: To allow appreciation to flourish.
OPTIMISM: To use different methods in order prepare for life's key moments.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
RELATIONSHIPS: To understand why mindfulness is key to cultivating successful relationships.
STUDY: To understand the impact multitasking vs uni-tasking can have on your study programme.
SLEEP: To understand the importance of good sleeping habits and how to maintain these habits.
MANAGING CHANGE: To become aware of the changing nature of all things and learn to accept change.
CURIOSITY: To be able to connect to your 'beginners mind' in order to see things with a curious and open mind.
THOUGHTS: To learn learn how to still one's mind in order to gain clarity.
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: To learn to ride the waves of anxiety and to find the tools to manage it.
DEALING WITH STRESS: To create a toolkit for managing stress.
SELF CARE: To understand that a balanced lifestyle is the key to self care.
INNER PEACE: To realise that inner peace is the core to a healthy physical and emotional life.
FOCUS: To learn how to reduce mind wandering, stay present and overcome distractions.
SAY YES TO DAILY LIFE: To understand that you should embrace every moment with a kind, wise and open heart.
INTERNET EDUCATION: How to manage the internet safely
TRANS GENDER EQUALITY: Understanding transgender issues
HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM: Importance of self esteem
Mindfulness 9
Grade 9 Mindfulness -
GRATITUDE: To allow appreciation to flourish.
OPTIMISM: To use different methods in order prepare for life's key moments.
STRENGTHS: To Identify And Grow Personal Strengths, And To Recognise And Appreciate Individual Differences And Strengths In Others.
GROWTH MINDSET: To Develop Growth Mindsets And The Ability To Identify And Change Fixed Mindsets.
SETTING GOALS: To Develop The Skills to Set and Achieve Goals
RESILIENCE: To develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.
SELF COMPASSION: To foster self compassion and to develop skills to manage difficult thoughts, emotions or experiences.
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: To develop listening skills to promote pro-social behaviour and build positive relationships.
EMPATHY: To cultivate empathy and develop pro-social values that underpin positive relationships.
ACTS OF KINDNESS: To understand and experience the benefits of kindness personally and with others.
SENSES: To foster social and self awareness by increasing sensory awareness.
SELF KNOWLEDGE: To develop an understanding and behaviour of what it means to know one's self.
SELF WORTH: To learn and develop the skills to know which aspects of yourself you want to change and the aspects of yourself you can not change.
SELF ACCEPTANCE: To understand that accepting yourself without changing anything is important for your self worth.
SELF ASSERTIVENESS: To understand that self assertiveness includes self respect and respect for others.
SELF AWARENESS: To develop the important skills in emotional intelligence that underpin the ability to be emotionally aware.
MANAGING FEELINGS: To be able to perceive feelings correctly, both in yourself and in others.
VALUES: To develop an understanding of how values are attitudes that act as a driving force in your behaviour, to yourself and others.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To be able to learn how to make mistakes and to take responsibilities for your choices and actions.
HOW TO MAKE DECISIONS: To learn and develop decision making skills through mindful awareness of personal values.
VULNERABILITY: To understand the term vulnerability and to identify it as the emotion arises.
BRAVERY: To understand that bravery and courage go hand in hand.
BEING FIREPROOF: To understand that being vulnerable leads to being brave which proves your "fireproofness".
RELATIONSHIPS: To understand why mindfulness is key to cultivating successful relationships.
STUDY: To understand the impact multitasking vs uni-tasking can have on your study programme.
SLEEP: To understand the importance of good sleeping habits and how to maintain these habits.
MANAGING CHANGE: To become aware of the changing nature of all things and learn to accept change.
CURIOSITY: To be able to connect to your 'beginners mind' in order to see things with a curious and open mind.
THOUGHTS: To learn learn how to still one's mind in order to gain clarity.
DEALING WITH ANXIETY: To learn to ride the waves of anxiety and to find the tools to manage it.
DEALING WITH STRESS: To create a toolkit for managing stress.
SELF CARE: To understand that a balanced lifestyle is the key to self care.
INNER PEACE: To realise that inner peace is the core to a healthy physical and emotional life.
FOCUS: To learn how to reduce mind wandering, stay present and overcome distractions.
SAY YES TO DAILY LIFE: To understand that you should embrace every moment with a kind, wise and open heart.
INTERNET EDUCATION: How to manage the internet safely
TRANS GENDER EQUALITY: Understanding transgender issues
HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM: Importance of self esteem
Cooking 1
Grade 1 Cooking -
Special Days
Food Safety
Getting started
Hygiene Rules
Safe Cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Blondies vs Brownies
Chocolate for cooking
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 2
Grade 2 Cooking -
Special Days
Food Safety
Getting started
Hygiene Rules
Safe Cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Flours, grains and breads
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Blondies vs Brownies
Chocolate for cooking
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 3
Grade 3 Cooking -
Special Days
Food Safety
Getting started
Hygiene Rules
Safe Cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Flours, grains and breads
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Blondies vs Brownies
Chocolate for cooking
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 4
Grade 4 Cooking -
Special Days
Food Safety
Getting started
Hygiene Rules
Safe Cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Flours, grains and breads
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Blondies vs Brownies
Chocolate for cooking
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 5
Grade 5 Cooking -
Special Days
Food Safety
Getting started
Hygiene Rules
Safe Cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Flours, grains and breads
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Blondies vs Brownies
Chocolate for cooking
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 6
Grade 6 Cooking -
Special Days
Food Safety
Getting started
Hygiene Rules
Safe Cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Flours, grains and breads
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Blondies vs Brownies
Chocolate for cooking
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 7
Grade 7 Cooking -
Special Days
Safe cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Chocolate for cooking
Herbs and Tomatos
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Acid and Alkali
development of hens eggs
Ripening fruit
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 8
Grade 8 Cooking -
Sub Category
Special Days
Safe cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Chocolate for cooking
Herbs and Tomatos
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Acid and Alkali
development of hens eggs
Ripening fruit
Flours, grains and breads
Cooking 9
Grade 9 Cooking -
Special Days
Safe cooking
Developing A Healthy Lifestyle
Food Pyramid
Getting the balance right
Baking and roasting
Setting the table
Baking Powder
Etiquette around food
Chocolate for cooking
Herbs and Tomatos
Parmesan Cheese
Following instructions
Compost and Recycling
Different countries and traditional food
Acid and Alkali
development of hens eggs
Ripening fruit
Flours, grains and breads
Gardening 1
Grade 1 Gardening -
Create from nature
Create from recycling
Arbor Day
Gardening 2
Grade 2 Gardening -
Create from nature
Create from recycling
Arbor Day
Gardening 3
Grade 3 Gardening -
Create from nature
Create from recycling
Arbor Day
Gardening 4
Grade 4 Gardening -
Establishing Methods
Fruit Trees
Indigenous Plants
Water-wise Gardening
Arbor Day
Gardening 5
Grade 5 Gardening -
Establishing Methods
Fruit Trees
Indigenous Plants
Water-wise Gardening
Arbor Day
Gardening 6
Grade 6 Gardening -
Establishing Methods
Fruit Trees
Indigenous Plants
Water-wise Gardening
Arbor Day
Art 1
Grade 1 Art -
Artists, Craft Makers and Designers
Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
Art 2
Grade 2 Art -
Artists, Craft Makers and Designers
Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
Art 3
Grade 3 Art -
Artists, Craft Makers and Designers
Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
Art 4
Grade 4 Art -
Making Drawings
Making Prints
Developing form in clay
Making Constructions
Creating fabric and fibre
Art 5
Grade 5 Art -
Making Drawings
Making Prints
Developing form in clay
Making Constructions
Creating fabric and fibre
Art 6
Grade 6 Art -
Making Drawings
Making Prints
Developing form in clay
Making Constructions
Creating fabric and fibre
Art 7
Grade 7 Art -
Making Drawings
Making Prints
Developing form in clay
Making Constructions
Creating fabric and fibre
Art 8
Grade 8 Art -
Making Drawings
Making Prints
Developing form in clay
Making Constructions
Creating fabric and fibre
Art 9
Grade 9 Art -
Making Drawings
Making Prints
Developing form in clay
Making Constructions
Creating fabric and fibre
Music 1
Grade 1 Music -
Body Percussion
Environmental Sounds
Listening and responding to music
Vocal Sounds
Song singing
Improvising and creating
Playing instruments
Talking about and recording compositions
Music 2
Grade 2 Music -
Body Percussion
Environmental Sounds
Listening and responding to music
Vocal Sounds
Song singing
Improvising and creating
Playing instruments
Talking about and recording compositions
Music 3
Grade 3 Music -
Body Percussion
Environmental Sounds
Listening and responding to music
Vocal Sounds
Song singing
Improvising and creating
Playing instruments
Talking about and recording compositions
Music 4
Grade 4 Music -
Body Percussion
Environmental Sounds
Listening and responding to music
Vocal Sounds
Song singing
Improvising and creating
Playing instruments
Talking about and recording compositions
Music 5
Grade 5 Music -
Body Percussion
Environmental Sounds
Listening and responding to music
Vocal Sounds
Song singing
Improvising and creating
Playing instruments
Talking about and recording compositions
Music 6
Grade 6 Music -
Body Percussion
Environmental Sounds
Listening and responding to music
Vocal Sounds
Song singing
Improvising and creating
Playing instruments
Talking about and recording compositions